
17,993 Art Reviews

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Very cool

Well this was cool I think you could ad a frame on this and some added color would be great on this even a colored version of all the swords you have here these are pretty cool and a nice black and white too so keep at it

Some ideas suggested



This was a nice demon kid some nice color here I think some background detail would be nice here on this one maybe put some sort of glowing effect around his head just as an idea here but this was pretty cool as it is

A few suggestions made


Nice b/w

So this was a nice black and white piece here the shading and pen or pencil work are nice the lines are really nice and it came all together well so I was pretty impressed with this anyways good job on this piece

Maybe some background detail


Very nice

Wow this was some "AMAZING" style here a very nice "PIXEL" element, some more bright lights or somewhat of a flicker would be cool, Lovely piece of art you have here its pretty amazing with the style and stylish visual you have presented here I enjoy your art style and hope to see more as this was pretty detailed so nice job on this one, This was like A Mythical design in its own unque way. so with all that said keep doing what you do as this was a nice art entry, I look forward to all the different elements that you can bring to the table here.

some more bright lights or somewhat of a flicker would be cool


Wow Very nice

I have to say this was a "BRILLIANT" piece of art here, the dark "ELEMENTS" of this piece is very nice and represents a good sad moment in the ally nice stuff, You put the style in Twist but I am sure you are Accustomed to that you have some nice and Skillful Talent you bring in some Endless Exhilaration and some Mythical Desire and thats what I really liked about this whole piece and hope you grace us with even more beautiful styles, as you have impreseed this reviewer and instant fan, But anyways I do look forward to what else you may be working on.

No changes other then maybe adding blood dripping from the tombstone lol no but really this was good stuff.


Wow amazing

Wow this was some amazing stuff you really have some good work I do think that white element could be more dominant you have some really nice art here I was pretty impressed with it all so nice job on this one

Some more dominant lighting effects


Wow nice

So this was something really cool and you really have something cool here must have taken you a long time you really added shading and depth to the actual charchters even for a story board that was pretty good really nice art here

None here


Cute piece

So this was a cute piece you have here I love the long canvus here seems like you could throw some borders on it maybe even give the border a title as the same title of this submission but anyways nice art here

Some frames and borders would be nice



Well you can't go wrong with some color and you really pushed some nice color I think some sparkles here and there so nice job here but very artistic here with all the color but anyways nice job this was some nice work here

No changes maybe some sparkles


Very cute

And here was a "REALLY-CUTE" art piece here, and for the life of me I dont have a single suggestion for this piece because you have created something beautifull full of character and color, You have a Stellar piece of art here and the Blending is very nice, the idea is simple but you added some depth to this and made it your own style and thats what I really like about this, do make more and present us with this lovely art style that brings many lots of joy including yourself, because at the end of the day if you enjoy it thats all that matters anyways nice work.

for the life of me I dont have a single suggestion for this piece because you have created something beautifull full of character and color


Ehmbe responds:

Aw your too nice,thank you so much for the kindness!

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