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Now as always you create a beautiful character even the pose was a nice touch here i really like the lighting effects too i do wish there was more to these maybe some added backround.

So adding in more depth like a backround maybe some on lookers maybe even more lighting effects or just some world scene that reflects this character but besides all that this was a pretty amazing character and i really enjoyed this.


Nice combo

Here was a nice combo of characters and they seem all well done and you showcase all the use of vibrant colors and great facial expression that really comes alive ill have to check these all out. Anyways nice work.



Well this was an interesting piece with a mixture of formats and visuals that bring together some interesting elements and overall is a fun sight indeed so nice job on this art submission anyways untill your next masterpiece keep making amazing art.



An ant-ville world sounds good this ant character looks pretty good i love the colorful points on this character so its a good idea and hope you continue with it anyways nice job


A nice character

This is one of those unique characters and you have it in action mode i also love what you did with the backround giving it some sort of area so thats a plus the charactwr design is nice work.

So with the character design i found it unique and liked the action of the arms and the eyes really came off intense too i think the eyes could have had some glow about them. But all in all this was a pretty awsome character and a fin art piece so pleae do keep up the amazing art works.


I like it

This was cool once again you always amaze especially with the detail i love the purple theme here and the bats was a nice touch a very up close and in your face character really always a pleasure to see your work anyways nice job


Nice pose

So the pose here really is nice especially with the back leg has to be a hard position to get the visuals just right but you have completed it well and created a fun character with some really nice texture and visual details so this was a well done commission and i was pretty impressed.


Cool vibes

This one has some good vibes as you presented it in another cool action mode i the small details really is what makes this a nice commission and you seem to do a lot of these and its all a plus because you make them look easy anyways another awsome commision with nice detail.


Very nice

Now this was very nice even the pose alone shows she thinking hard and the texture of skintone and the stripes really came alive here and it showcases very well i love the detail.

The detail really shines there was even some nice shine over the skin and came off nice the stripes accent well and the spiked cufflings always a nice extra. That detail really came through so in that aspect of things i really enjoyed this piece a great character of art


Another nice one

Another good watercolor piece and here was a nice action pose the action tells a story here and as it being a commission piece its pretty solid so no changes come to mind on this piece and as always keep up the amazing work of art it is always a pleasure anyways nice job


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