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Very nice

So as I get started I get a good smile because the art is good in whatever art brings but, I do love the dark and spooky element with all thats going on, could make for a good poster too or even a T-Shirt the art and color is deep in texture and love all the vampire like characters, I found this to be an amazing art entry with an amazing uniqie style to it.

This was a good art piece these types can be hard to review, because of how good it really is, but with that said this was pretty good I thought, Infact I would call it pretty stellar you bring some blending and it meshes so well I hope you keep making unique and interesting pieces like this one it was a nice entry so keep doing what you do.



Cant go wrong with a banana and monkey An interesting piece of art indeed, Enjoy reviewing stuff like this, so please do make more of this for us because this is the kind of artwork that really catchs the eye, you have some amazing work and I look forward to even more down the road anyways great work the whole idea of a bannana and a monkey is just awsome it has some good quality about it too.

Now this is an art piece I can did my teeth into this was a large hearted piece, just take your time and keep at it but then again you have knocked this one out of the park, This is one of those unique pieces that seem to amaze me so keep doing what you do, I do hope you make more like this as its just an awsome piece I have even added it as my fave.


A lock art piece

German soldier lock looks pretty good love what you did with shadows and details Very nice A lock art piece you have some good ideas when it comes to some art here, the style is nice and lock art is always nice this was a good art element and nice to see some locks on the art portal with some good artistic value as this one has so really nice effort.


Amazing detail

This visual jumps out at you and the colors are deep great color effects in the backround has a good story feel about it so really nice job on this one, So this one was nice the shading and dark element really comes alive and pops off well, you also really use some color and lots of it to really blend well so nice job on this fun and dark piece, dont think any changes are needed at all so nice job.



The one and only strawberry lock here not that silly clock version but the awsome lock version I really love the deep texture and colors that you made here wish there was more element in the backround but this was some amazing work indeed, Once agian we find here some nice lock art, you really bring back some old memories this particular piece was a nice find and you know how to showcase the artistic elements that I have always enjoyed with this theme so really awsome job all across the board.



So this was nice and its a great piece especially for pico day the 3/D elements of characters really have a unique persona of there own and seem to come alive very well done with all the characters, What a great art piece here a great find indeed its these kinds of pieces that really draw my attention and glad I came across this one, very nice indeed.

A unique style here This style was pretty interesting and keeps me wanting even more so keep at it it caught my attention, wish there was more stuff that gave the different style like this one does. This spoke volumes it has a deep visual and stylish touch about it, so props from me to you and hope you keep up the amazing talents and art detail like this one.



And you have two locks in this one you even have a sort of comic style about it and thats a plus seems like you may have an idea to improve on some sort of comic theme but it was nice good detail with the locks themself.

Locks at there best always a fan of the lock adventures, such as the one you have created here a lock adventure bringing on some interesting moments and art always a pleasure to go back see and review the fine works of them classic locks, so keep doing what you do best


Nice group

A nice group of characters here the whole piece of this submission is colorful and looks like a deep moment for the characters, I love the expression on the faces like something majical is happening, anyways nice work indeed make more sometime. No changes are needed in this piece of art you really have pushed the limits with color and all the different characters here and I was pretty impressed and just enjoyed this piece for what it is so please do keep up the amazing work.


Beautiful wolf rider

A nice and beautiful wolf rider you have here very intense detail even the backround came off very well, would have loved to see some shine and sparkle on the sword, Also love that moon setting in the backround, A very nice art piece you have here You have something of good quality here, This was kind of majestic and you bring some diverse visuals, Great stuff here and nice style of art work here.

I can see you are dedicated to some refreshing and endless energy and effort, Art is always a fine thing and art comes in many different forms thats what I love about reviewing different types of artwork such as this one here, You have a sense of stylization and flair about this piece and it was interesting to say the least.


Pasilion responds:

Thank you!

Nice to see some locks

Smashed lock is looking pretty good here glad I was able to find some lock art Nice to see some locks as it was some solid work you bring out some details but at the same time showcase the artistic elements that I have always enjoyed with some locks memories and elements so really nice piece here.

You cant go wrong with some smashed lock here and the visual is notbad some added texture and more shards would have been a nice added effect but overall I found this to be a smash hit lol.


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