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So this is really some nice work I really like the texture within the skintone here, the nose being upfront is nice and love the charge and incharge element a very nice art piece here and a great portrait type of top of that, so nice job indeed. Its stuff like this work of art that really just jump out at me the skin texture is just amazing I have no changes in mind for this as its a masterpiece so awsome job and hope you do keep at it.


A Lock classic

its films like this that I have always come to enjoy a lock classic if you ask me, I dont see many lock art these days but its always a pleasure to go back see and review the fine works of them classic locks, so nice efforts here on this lock artworks

This pumkin lock looks pretty good with some nice color very good linework, onlything I might ad onto this may be some added backround element but overall its a good rendittion of the lock persona so nice job here.



This one was intense for a number of reasons but do have to say the texture and use of watercolor is a big change and makes for a good visual the detail also jumps out at you.

So besides the texture that detail really jumps out at you and i really liked this piece the red colored phone was a nice touch and good focal point good use of colors all around and makes for a good steamy character anyways keep doing what you do because its pretty fantastic artwork


This is good

This one has a real nice shine and that watercolor seems to really jump out at you making it a very impressive character. I do love the detail especially the shine so really nice job on that one Any ways keep up the fantastic artwork and untill next great piece of yours


Wow nice

The watercolor visual here really created some good texture and seems to really blend well and just gives off a different feel and visual its pieces like this i really do come to enjoy

Again that texture with the water color base is just something else really dives into the texture and creates its own style besides that the lines and form of the character just comes alive so really nice work indeed keep at it


Very nice

Now this was a nice colorful piece love how it has an almost animated feel to it the tenticals came off well and overall a good looking character here on this piece with some nice artwork very nice lines too so with that said please do keep up the amazing work


Aster-Effect responds:

thank you very much 😁

Foamy and the gang

Another good art piece and a nice comic style here spreading the word is always a plus especially when its about foamy anyways nice artwork and nice color themes here again keep making us awsome comic style foamy its allways a blast


Another good one

And here is another good comic to come around a more fresh one with some nice funny moments and just some good character work nice use of color too so all in all it came out well with some good humor about it all so nice job



It sure is a nice scene in this one especially love how you did the trees and such its colorful and some nice artwork and just an overall good nice day another masterpiece by will himself very impressed with this art piece but anyways untill the next time keep up the good artwork



This was a nice rendittion of a pool party almost feels like you could have even added more characters maybe some food carts or more colorful elements but its a nice classic illwill piece so nice work indeed i look forward to even more


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