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Beautiful piece

This was nice I love the "POSE" you have here on this one and the "COLOR" is pretty nice too, the backround was subtle seems like you could ad some more color themes back there, you have a nice character here with some nice use of color and I really enjoyed this piece.

the backround was subtle seems like you could ad some more color themes back there


KatieTheDragon responds:

Uh ok im still not used to getting critiques rather than just comments... I tend to not focus on backgrounds though unless i feel i need to..? I normally just throw some color or in less cases just plain white? Do you mean more color as in maybe some gradient or like shapes? Patterns such as checkers and so on?


I am loving the color here, and the shades of color in the backround was a nice touch maybe adding even more of that could be another way to go, This was cool, there could be some additions I will get more into that soon, but I do want to say just keep up the creativity and keep making fantastic stuff just as this one. Just put that effort in and let your creation Bloom to the best of the abilities, A brilliant piece of art here and I have to say it really comes full circle in the depth of your detail and all the little detail that comes alive from this.

the shades of color in the backround was a nice touch maybe adding even more of that could be another way to go


Love it

I love the color here it really "BALANCES" out the backround I thaught you could have added some of that color or even some sort of frame related with the color, other then that this was a pretty nice art piece and some nice character detail love your use of color.

the backround I thaught you could have added some of that color or even some sort of frame related with the color


I like this

So this was a really nice visual piece here that lighting effect is amazing you should have the lighting reflection shine all the way into the wording even but that's just a small idea to think about I liked it regardless

More lighting stretched across the wording



So this was something cool I really like how you have this I think some added beam or shine from behind the people would have been nice like a reflection of sun comming from behind them but besides that that's what my take on this is

Some ideas posted above


Very cute

Another cute charchter here you have some nice detail as always and the background was decent seems like you could have added a tad more to the background maybe more dominant colors but overall this was pretty cool stuff here

Some more domminant color base for background



And this was a nice charchter here very fresh looking some nice detail I love the fresh look here with the color that background could use some detail though something maybe some strokes of paint maybe some design or pattern

Some background elements


Very good energy

Lots of nice color and good character here really nice work, My suggestion might be to have the eyes glow a pink form to relate to the pink ooz, Good energy in this one, You have some very nice efforts and ofcourse most impressive details some things could be touched up but thats not too much to be honest. This was pretty Grand and Mythical my Overview Appropriately shows that you have great talent that puts you in the Spotlight and you have an Energetic and creative style about this piece and all of your art pieces. So besides all that said it was a nice entry to have seen and review keep up the brilliant efforts.

My suggestion might be to have the eyes glow a pink form to relate to the pink ooz


mogy64 responds:

thanks! while i did want to make the eyes glow, it ended being a bit too distracting because of how huge they are already lol. theyre white to remain consistent with the references provided so i couldnt do much in that case

Very good work

I really love the "SIDE-VIEW" here and all that gold seems like you could have added more of a sparkle to it, the yellow was nice maybe some added texture backthere too, Fully loaded with the unexpected thats the vibe I get from this and thats just the start of things, but now onto the rest of this review, You have amazed me with the style and vibe here your art sparkles with a sense of unique style, and for that alone I am pretty happy with all of this, it was not only a Gnarly piece but was actually stylistic, and on that note I end this review.

all that gold seems like you could have added more of a sparkle to it, the yellow was nice maybe some added texture backthere too


Very cool

So this was pretty cool I like the different face structure and the paint look good you even added a border on this it was a white border seems like you could improve on the border give it more of the related color of the painted faces make the border something fancy and artistic so it becomes all one art piece but anyways that's my take on things hope to see more work from you

Some more artistic border edges more of a fancy frame


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