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So this was an interesting "PIECE" here Im not sure exactly what it is, but its a pretty nifty design and you have a nice backround too, maybe there is too much green in this piece but overall this was a nice piece of art here so I was pretty impressed with this whole piece here.

mix in some other colors maybe even a blue frame


A nice feel to this

I get a good "VIBE" from this has a nice feel about it the "SUBTLE-COLOR" is nice and pleasent the character designs within the element here is very nice, it looks like you really took you time on this piece and it shows well, so really nice work on this fine piece of art.

Couldnt find anything on this that needs any changes.


An amazing art piece

And here was some amazing "ART-WORK" some added backround and maybe even a sparkle or glare shinning off the metal help, You have shown some good Insight into this world, You see a lot of stuff in the art portal but its always nice to see stuff like this as its different and unique in its own way. I also like the Ambition here it was very interesting.

some added backround and maybe even a sparkle or glare shinning off the metal help



So this was a cool "PIECE" it has some really nice shadings and detail, I think you could have added some of that same shades and detail in the backround or even some props, I really enjoyed your work here today and hope you keep making us some beautiful pieces such as this one, And Ill be on the look out for even more from you, so as I end this review keep it real

I think you could have added some of that same shades and detail in the backround or even some props


A beautiful piece

Wow this was pretty awsome the color added was a nice touch I feel like if you added some of that same color to the backround it might also reflect the artistic value of this, I would say that this was pretty decent piece, could be improved in a few areas but thats discussed more in improvments, but regardless this was pretty good I thought, and look forward to more of your art-works and hope to see much more pieces from you as they are pretty impressive.

I feel like if you added some of that same color to the backround it might also reflect the artistic value of this


Vedanta responds:

I will try to follow your tips afterwards ... and thanks for the useful feedback :) And yes.. I am going to make artworks in this style ... so ... You're going to see new works like this...

Beautiful character work

Love the "BRIGHT" and "VIBRANT" colors here on this character very smooth looking and some nice line work on this aswell you have done well on this piece, I will say that this was a Stellar piece Blending A mixture of different styles of effort and a unique style. and you gave it some nice enregy aswell and that was a plus for me

None needed this was pretty nifty.


Very cute

So this was pretty "CUTE" you have a nice fresh look here on this piece here, would love some backround detail maybe something related to the holidays, but besides that you have a nice character here and a nice delightful look here so really nice effort here.

some backround christmas and holiday related details would be nice.


CorpralMoose responds:

Thank youuu I'll add a Christmas and holiday background to the next holiday drawing again ^w^

Very nice

So this was cool, this is very "REALISTIC" love what you did with the hair and gave it a small sparkle in there you made this look real good and a piece here I wouldnt want to change as its an awsome piece, once again its pieces like this that trully amaze me, all the skill level and detail and so much effort put into this so that was very welldone and cant wait to see more, keep at it, this is top notch work. and I will be on the lookout for more of your work

a piece here I wouldnt want to change as its an awsome piece


Really nice detail here

I like this and that whole "GALAXY" theme was a nice touch too that blade sticking out is a good focus point for some extra shine, this was not only spiffy but you Defined your style very well here, And because you have a great style about your work. I will say that this was a magnificent piece of art an art piece in wich you showed me all that you can do and you showed how talented you really are

that blade sticking out is a good focus point for some extra shine



I love how you put all the "DIFFERENT" characters here in this one, and greay "USE" of color too, some really nice work here, love the backround detail aswell, you do really good with shine detail aswell, so no real changes needed on this it was a fibe piece of art if you ask me really nice detail.

so no real changes needed on this it was a fibe piece of art


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