
17,993 Art Reviews

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Its nice

This was a nice and simple piece Some really nice artwork here, regardless this was pretty good I thought, and look forward to more of your art-works and hope to see much more pieces from you, its unique and interesting. So with all that said this was pretty intersting, I like some of the ideas in here.



Cant go wrong with the princess A cute and adorble piece of art, some nice fresh looks about it all with some nice focus points aswell, the details while simple still stand out and make for a great art piece indeed, really love all the work here and really do hope you make more like this.



Just love the use of your vibrant colors on this character Well this was cute for sure, some nice cuteness about it cant go wrong with the cute style well what can I say or not say its a fun cute character some fantastic details surrounding the whole character here and you really went beyond with this cute character design.


cute character

So here was a fun and cute character love how you have an action scene here I do think the gold coins or coins could have had some more shine and sparkle, but regardless this was pretty good work here so nice job indeed, make more like this soon.

I do think the gold coins or coins could have had some more shine and sparkle


These are nice

So these sketchs are pretty nice, almost feel like if you finished this off with color and a fancy frame it would be a nice finish but thats just me what you do have here is pretty nice so keep up the great efforts and good work, so untill next time.

as mentioned above some added color and or fancy frame.


Simple and fun

So this one here was pretty simple but it was different and I really like what you do here with the colors and lines work, I do think this one could use some backround element of some sort but regardless this was pretty good stuff and really enjoyed it.


Nice character

A nice character and a nice commission I like your vibe here keep making fantastic stuff such as this one, I have really enjoyed it, I love this find, You have a decent art piece, it has alot of interest level, I am glad this is not just the normal stuff everyone brings to the portal, You bring a different element to the table.



And here was something really artistic and really liked the unique texture based style here you even did something nice with the backround, this particular art piece of yours is what made me follow you so props on the artistic art style here keep at it.

No need for any changes on this fine and unique piece



This was cute the character but have to say the colors and texture especially with the backround really came off well Well this was a cute character if I do say so myself with some nice details and some very cute elements and such, you really know how to bring out all the cuteness so that alone is good enough for me, really had fun reviewing this cute character.


A cute character

Nice pose here this one could use some backround elements So here was a cute character design what I love the most about this is its cute simple and fun not to mention fresh looking so welldone on this one its pretty solid work and overall a cute refreshing character you have here, anyways nice job.


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