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Haha nice

So this was a good idea and I guess glow effects can really go a long way and covering up nude pasta is part of that haha anyways I had a blast with this so keep up the fun and exciting work as you have done here

Can't believe I'm saying this but less glow lol



So here we are once again with some nifty design and these are just so good from frame work to the artwork too your art detail is pretty good and they can be amusing aswell so I was pretty impressed with this whole piece here

I was impressed with the whole piece so no changes here


Wow nice

I can't but get a nice chuckle out of this one the Daisy flower popping out like that is very funny and amusing some nice little detail here and some nice little charchter the design of the character was good I think you can even ad into this with some daisies growing our of the ground but anyways nice work here it was amusing and hope you make more like this piece here

Ad some dasies growing out. Of the ground


Nice drawing

So very nice drawing here I do think you could ad onto this piece like some added shine and sparkle on the sword and also some small extra details in the background maybe some props but overall this was a decent little piece of artwork here and I look forward to much more from you but anyways keep up the awesome work as you have done here

A few changes like shine and sparkle and some background detail



So this one was beautiful I love the subtle color in this even the borders was pretty good and I am looking but don't see any need for any changes on this one you have outdone yourself here with an absolute beautiful piece of artwork here and some amazing detail very good structure here and I was pretty amazed with this from top to bottom so a masterpiece is what I see here

As mentioned no changes what so ever


Wow nice

So this was a really nice scene here I did think on the blast of Ray you could have had more brighter and vibrant colors but this was still a good piece of work here and some nice visual here too so keep up that amazing work

More vibrant colors and lighting on the blast of Ray


Haha nice

This was especially nice because it did have Ghostbusters in it and they are pretty well designed too very talented work on your charchter designs so keep that part of things going strong no changes needed for this beautiful piece here

Didn't find anything that this one really needed attention on


Another great one

So here was another great one you had you have some amazing charchter designs some nifty background details and it was entertaining like a comic just wish these we're longer these have some decent potential about them

Make these longer


Very detailed

So here was some very detailed scene right here I love all the details from the chess board to the giant mallot I do think some lighting sources and some added color that is vibrant could make a small difference in this beautiful art piece here you do some nice work here and it's a beautiful sight so keep that up your art and design is very nice and artistic so keep doing what you do best

A few ideas suggested


Nice scene

And here was a nice scene you have here I am enjoying this yellow lighting I thaught you could have added more yellow beam comming down on that hallway or corridor the scene is an action scene Wich tells a sort of story but the added lighting effects could be a nice touch up on this piece here so nice efforts all the way around but untill your next project submitted keep making more like this one

More yellow beam from the lights


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