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So this was a pretty intense art piece you have here I love all the different detail in this the lighting effects are pretty good too I think on that green element you could have had more of a glow on things there it's a nice little detail that could have more glow about it but regardless you have done some nice work here and hope you make even more for us to enjoy so keep the good work

Some effects detail like some added glow


Haha nice work

And another great element of the comic like series you have created here the character work is amazing onlything I would change in this is make them longer maybe a few more frames overall this was pretty amazing stuff here anyways untill next time

These comic style pieces could be longer


Very nice

So this was another cool comic piece and some nice action scene here too I like that you put a lot of emotion in your charchter faces a nice detailed comic piece here don't think this one needs any changes here just make more soon

Another fine art piece that does not need any changes at this time



So this was cool you have some nice scenes in these comic style art pieces and the text bubbles are pretty nifty here the art is pretty amazing too and you have prepared a nice comic style piece here make more

None with this entry it's solid



So this was pretty good, the white "EYES" are something interesting You should have had the eyes glow the orb she is holding could have had more of a glow too, but the character straucture was amazing a very unique character you have created here with some amazing details here and there.

You should have had the eyes glow the orb she is holding could have had more of a glow too


Very nice

So this "SWORD" is pretty good very realistic, the blade I feel could have more shine maybe even some scratches like its been through some battle or something I would even suggest some backround details too, you do some nice work here very nice detail you have created here.

I feel could have more shine maybe even some scratches like its been through some battle or something I would even suggest some backround details too


Very nice

So this was pretty "NICE" the "COLOR" is amazing, the animation was pretty good I think with that bopping of the head seems like she is listening to music maybe ad some ear phones to represent that, very nice work here though this was pretty decent character work and animation.

that bopping of the head seems like she is listening to music maybe ad some ear phones to represent that


JaviJavi responds:

yeah that makes sense i probably should've added headphones of some sort on her ! thanks for the nice words i appreciate it !

Great use of color

Great use of "COLOR" on this piece all the different color and shines make this "ARTISTIC" I do think some added color in the backrounds or even in a frame or border form, This is different yet interesting, Its stuff like these kinds of art-works that keep me enjoy reviewing these kinds. And I have seen lots of art work on here. But you bring a sense of Freshness and this reviewer is very Supportive but at the same time im Stunned how well you have Captured such a brillinat idea here, So with this one you bring all sorts of different elements and thats just a huge plus especially for me, these are different in there own way and have a style of there own, And truly amazes me to find stuff as good as this.

I do think some added color in the backrounds or even in a frame or border form


Cubesona responds:

well, I actually just redrew the whole thing. Let me know if this is any better!

Very nice

This was really "NIFTY" I am really loving the "GLOW" I think that your border could have ad some glow on it but overall this was a nice art piece with lots of nice characters and some even better glow, great artwork here it was some a nice submission and glad I could review it.

your border could have ad some glow on it but overall this was a nice art


GomiZombie responds:

I think you are trying to hint me at something, but I can't really tell what hmmmmm


An interesting piece here, First of all I want to say that your backround art is pretty nifty and made for this piece to be more focused on, the characters are both cute and dark and thats ok too, seems like you could have added a frame and border on this, you do some nice work here.

seems like you could have added a frame and border on this


goshprosh responds:

Thanks for the feedback - a more structured border has been something I've been considering to change up my presentation a little since my normal m.o. usually winds up being character + abstract/simple background floating in a white void. My friend ATinyOctiipus is really good at framing/presenting things pleasingly around her artwork, and I'm thinking of taking a leaf out of her book on that.

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