
17,993 Art Reviews

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A cute piece

So this was pretty "CUTE" I like the "SUBTLE" element here and the axe in the ground was nice you should have some sparkle and shine on the axe, very nice and adorble characters and scene the backround was just as amazing, so nice work all the way around on this one.

some sparkle and shine on the axe


Love the color

I really like what you have done here with the color, and that "YELLOW" backround really accents the color well so nice job on this one, the shine is pretty good and I think you could ad even more shine and sparkle but overall this was pretty good stuff here, so make more soon.

I think you could ad even more shine and sparkle but overall this was pretty good



Well this was a different kind of "LUIGI" but the "MUSCLE-TONES" were really good and the shine was even better, for the life of me I cant find anything that I may suggest on this, it is a pretty good piece here and does not need any changes here, so keep making great work here.

for the life of me I cant find anything that I may suggest on this, it is a pretty good piece here and does not need any changes here


Food art

So this is like "FOOD-ART" this was interesting, I think you could have added more into this with other foods and what not, but it was an interesting piece here and you are creative with the food so really nice work here, I enjoyed this piece overall, hope to see more work from you.

I think you could have added more into this with other foods and what not


Beautiful art

So this was pretty good some very "BEAUTIFUL" art here with some nifty action moments going on here, would love more sparkle on the chains but overall it was good as is too, This was a good outcome of things and glad you went ahead with this as notmany would have gone this far in depth, but very nice style. This entry has all the right Ingredients with a Delightful and Be-Dazzlling style of art style, Before I start saying anything more one thing I noticed on here is that it really jumps out at you with a nice unique style Now that I have that out of the way I have to say you did an impressive job here actually. I was most impressed.

would love more sparkle on the chains but overall it was good as is too



Well this was something "DIFFERENT" Cant say I have ever seen one of these types of "BUGS" they are interesting though and your drawing here was pretty nice the subtle shades are nice would have been nice with some small backround elements and envirment but this was really good work.

would have been nice with some small backround elements


Nice black and white

This was an interesting "PIECE" I have to say it does look like him for the mostpart but for sure looks like a younger version the black and whote theme here is pretty nice though, you should ad a frame or border onto this one this was pretty good work.

you should ad a frame or border onto this one



So this was decent and even though it's just some black and white you still have some nice lines here with some good detail too some added color on this would really bring out the design more even if you added some small points of color even a frame of color would really inprove on this piece you do some good work here so anyways keep doing what you do and showcase more work as always peace

Ad some color maybe some frames too


Wow nice

You do some really nice work and I love this piece for a few different reasons one is that the color blends so well it's a unique design and creative so I was happy with how it all came out I like the design though I do think the background could use some more texture maybe more props in the background but overall this was a cool and artistic piece so do make more like this it's unique

Some background detail maybe some props and such



So this was an interesting piece of work here some nice art some nice style of art it's different though and you have a unique style with this odd and strange charchter but I find it all artistic and fine work I think you should make more unique stuff like this it's artistic and we all need more of this stuff so my advice here is make more of this kinds of art well keep up the good work

Make more like this


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