
17,993 Art Reviews

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Love the color

Wow you do some nice color here the tail especially you make some intense color the character is really nice but seems like some more could have gone into the background of it all but all in all this was nice

Some background detail


Very nice work here

I have to say this was some nice work here a nice action mode here some good scene of action it was still cartoon but still some solid work you have here I was really impressed with it I would ad some sparkle to the gun or the edge of the gun give it that shine and glare visual but regardless this was a really nice piece here keep up the amazing work anyways untill next time

Some added shine on the gun


Really nice

So this was pretty good love the big thickness here of her backside you really made it work good there I think adding some sunlight or sunrays it would reflect well off her skin tone just a small idea you may like

Very. Nice work here maybe some added sunlight effects


I love the purple

So you have some nice purple elements here and that's flowing hair was very detailed and you did such an amazing. Job with this one very talented the background with that base color was pretty good too nice charchter overall I would suggest adding some extra shine in the hair maybe some more depth in the background too anyways nice job

As mentioned above


Love the texture

So you have some really nice texture in your work especially the background love the deep colors and deep textured elements the character is always nice and this was a fantastic well done piece and all I can really say about this one is do make more soon it's a nice work of art you have created here and I encourage you to make even more like this and do bring along that awsome texture

A beautiful piece I don't wanna suggest anything as it was fine as it is now



So this here was a nice looking charchter work you have here some really nice elements and just some beautiful design I love the glare on this like it was from some window almost anyways keep up the good work

Another great piece with no need for changes


A cute piece

So this was a cute piece "OF-ART" that you have created here this was a nice little delightfull happyness here, I love the fresh and vibrant colors that you ad onto this with all the pinks and brightness I do think adding more to this would be nice, like more sparkle effects in the back end but overall this was pretty nice stuff.

I do think adding more to this would be nice, like more sparkle effects in the back end


Another good one

So here was another good "ART-PIECE" I love how you use colors and even with the backround it all blends pretty well, you do some nice work here, the character itself was really nice, the added sparkles on this was notbad either so nice job indeed, I hope to see more of your work in the future

Once again no changes needed.


Very nice

So this was pretty cool, I like the "COLOR-TONES" in this piece here you have some beautiful visual here, even the backround color was blending well, overall a nice character design and a good commision you have here, So with this one no changes needed on this art piece here, nice work overall.

So with this one no changes needed on this art piece here


KatinGhost responds:

Thank you so much for the feedback!

Beautiful art

so you do some nice "ART-WORK" I love this piece its almost like an art poster of some sort, The border was pretty cool too maybe you could ad some color or some fancy design within the border, other then that this was pretty cool, so nice work here I look forward to even more.

Some added facy detail or color to the borders.


Ruedefaux responds:

thank you for the feedback c: the border idea is cool, but maybe for another piece. i feel like this one wouldn't work right for it personally, but i'd definitely try it with another piece.

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