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Zombie style

I like how you did the side view here and it showcases more detail the backround could use more added to it though forms such a fantastic zombie element of art and design so awsome work zombie style is always the best to see I do wish more people did zombie stuff but regardless you have some amazing work and really intense detail so I was pretty impressed with it all.


Zombie style

I like the black and white here would love to see a colored version, So here was some nice zombie style art, you really know your zombies and bring out the zombie elements nice details with the zombie art here your talents are shining with this art piece and I encourage you to make even more great zombie artwork, anyways nice work.


Very amazing

Now this was an amazing piece of art with some very nice and intense details especially as far back as you can see with the back end of things creates its own world and a nice creation on your end so really nice job here I was very impressed with this work of art.

Nothing major I found it to be some solid work indeed.


chenfung responds:


Very creative

Well this is by far one of your most unique designs and very creative you really cant go wrong with the passion within this piece I have even added it to my faves list the depth element and structure is just amazing so awsome job indeed on this very beautiful piece of art.

None needed here its amazing



Seems like you have a nice little comic brewing here with this one, would have loved more comic and even more color but overall its a fine drawing and some good comical elements Its always stuff like you have presented here that I really enjoy, I will say it is a pleasure to see unique art and style like this one and on that note its always a pleasure.


Nice creatures

so these are some nice creatures here even some nice looking dragons love all the detail within the dragon/creature frome shades to the tips would have liked some sort of backround but the solid black does accent the details anyways a good design here I liked it.

Nothing major needed


This is pretty amazing

Wow I have to say this is pretty amazing the smoke alone has such a realistic visual the fire or flames in the backend really help with that too, overall this is just a beautiful art piece and just jumps out at you so nice job here hope to see more soon.

None needed



I almost feel like you could have pushed more blood but it was pretty good the art style really comes out well but anyways this was pretty good here you showcase some nice details but regardless I just want to say how its a pleasure to review such a detailed piece of zombie here really fun when you enjoy the work so really great art.


EvanScale responds:

Thanks a lot for the review and feedback!!

Wow nice

Wow I have to say this was an intense art piece the character alone with all its fine detail and that color tone really made it pop off well too It really drew me in and was pretty impressed especially with the line work and fine detail points.

I really think you have a unique style of art here, These kinds of art pieces are always interesting and bring something new for all to see, You have a stellar piece of blending unique styles, Im always amazed at what people make so I am always pleased with stuff like this anyways very unique art piece here, keep making stuff like this.



You have defined your work here in this submission, I love that you added a group of characters here and made it come alive very vibrant use of color and the characters are refreshing so it was a plus here I may suggest adding more backround detail, But anyways good art piece here I like the effort you put fourth here.

I am interested to see more I will say you really do have something special here, this type of art especially with sonic can really get you thinking and thats what you have presented here today, So keep doing what you do its always a pleasure to review your work.


BmanNG responds:

Thank you! And yeah the background was a bit of an afterthought so I could finally get the art out the door

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