
17,993 Art Reviews

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Nice character

You have a nice character here almost feel like something could be added within the backround and more shine on the crown just an idea though overall this is a nice character and well detailed, so make more stuff like this because ofcourse I have enjoyed this character work.



This was cool I even like the small animation on this one almost feel like you could have had the eyes glow a bit but regardless this was a nice piece of art work here, Some great talent with your creation here, was glad I had a chance to check it out.


Pixel is nice

Well for me pixel is always something very nice with the nice visual details on this particular one its more simple as the title explains but the visual look on this is very nice and a true pixel piece if you ask me so nice job indeed keep up the amazing pixel creations.



A cute piece

So this was a cute piece of art here and I have to say that the animation part of this really comes out well I do think the tail end of this creature could have a much more slower animation like a more natural flow but it was some really nice color and a nice form a very nice design here.

As suggested above with some slower animation on the tail end.



I may label this one more as portrait but you like to go big here and its a nice thing very good work on character design so nice job, What a fun art piece created here, there was some grey areas that could be worked on, but still really enjoyed what you presented here, the skills you have, you should make more stuff like this as I look forward to seeing more of it, Make more spiffy and unique stuff like this.


Very nice

So this was cool and you make it feel and look like a real painting here each little part jumps into the next and the frame work on this works well too I think the frame itself could use more texture or fancy design, anyways nice work indeed.

I think the frame itself could use more texture or fancy design



so all in all this was a cute piece the animation alone is really nice I wonder if the animation was a bit slower it would showcase the cute character more in its fantastic detail, but besides that I have no changes in mind as you have some nice talent and show off some nice artwork here and the cute visual and animation really look nice so nice job indeed.

I have no changes in mind as you have some nice talent


Very nice

Love the up close view really showcases the form and detail here so a nice character indeed,
An amazing art piece one of my faves of the day, A nice art piece here so nice effort so not much more to say except that I really liked this piece, but besides all that you have really me enjoy your style of art here, anyways keep up the good work



Its a peacful moment and a delighful scene the sunset is pretty awsome too You have amazed me with this art piece here today, This critique is all about your Glamorous piece of art that has lots of great substance you have some skillful ideas and talent, untill next time keep up the decent art style make more for sure soon.


Really nice character

so this was great and those flames atleast I think its flames came off well and look really good the action moment in her expression is pretty amazing but besides all that this was pretty good stuff, so please do keep up the good work and make more.



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