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Alright so I like what you did here in this one it was entertaining and another great adventure for sure, I like the effort on the humor it really stood out here on this one and you have once again amazed me with some nice style of work here, so keep that kind of vibe up.


Won`t you come

No in all seriousness, this has some unique creativity here. I love the purples all throughout this and the shadows in your shading and coloring, the background is a good scene and creates a theme and makes you think. I do like that one character over-top the other, but the porportions seem a bit off there, maybe the angle needs to be altered a bit, but other than that I do like this. Your background is very detailed and has a lot going on, so that shows that you put some real effort into this.

Just work on positioning and porportions.


Nice brain

This was well balanced and I like the brain I do think you could have shown more detail on the brain the backround was almost perfect if you ask me, this was simple but then it was not, overall a good view of the skull and breain, nice work here and i love the glowing effects you have.

Some more detail on the brain more into it with some intense details.


Designs of the mind

So this was like designs of the mind and Im always telling myself we need more designs like this for the art portal to see and you have done just that and created a nice adventure here with some creative characters in a starnge yet fun designed world, so nice work there.



Seems like the text bubbles should be a tad larger or the text itself, Another fantastic piece of the comic, I really like this one from start to finish you really pushed the humor here and all the little details made this one worth while and was pretty impressed with all that you have done to really make this one come alive and well, very good stuff indeed.


Enjoyed it

There could be some backround detail in this one, You have to enjoy what you do and it seems like you do the outcome of this really shows and shines well with the results, these characters are just crazy but you gotta love them and all that they do after all they do make up the comic and its about them so nice work here.



So not sure if this was link from zelda games or not but looks like an "ABSTRACT" form of him but very good detail and nice design on his character also love the emotion on his face too, the greem theme here is pretty good but adding more to the backround like some sort of scenery or design back there would be a huge plus. anyways nice character.

adding more to the backround like some sort of scenery or design back there would be a huge plus.


Nice work

Love the little glow effect on the window light its stuff like that that brings out some nice effects, And here once again was some nice work, fun characters and great character designs aswell, you showed us after all these entries of this comic that this can still be funny and adventurous and with these same ol characters that make any simple time turn wild and crazy.



Wow was not expecting this one but guess he got what was deserved lol, Another enetrtaining part of the comic it really comes out and strives from start to end you make some nice stories here and the endings are really good, you have amazed me with the style of work you have here my advice is keep this going its very impressive, so keep that element going strong.



So nice with the blood I have not seen much blood from you but this one was nice to see some gore in it. This particular entry of the comic seems very artsy maybe its me maybe its the story maybe its the detail, but I like what you did here with this one and presented a good story here and that humor that never gets old, but anyways another good submission to this great comic of yours.


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