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Very nice

So this was a really nice "POSE" from the ground looking upwards and probably hard to draw but your talented and you seem to really know how to make it work so really nice job on this one, anyways beautiful design here, would have been cool if you had added some birds flying in the sky or something.

Some added props like birds in the above sky


Wow nice

So this was really nice the "BLACK-N-WHITE" was very welldone some added lighting effects my reflect on the character a tad bit more, good creative touches and feel to this whole piece, but it was something new and differant and I really liked it, so nice effort there, This critique is all about your Glamorous piece of art that has lots of great Substance you have some Skillful ideas and Talent

some added lighting effects my reflect on the character a tad bit more


SH0TT responds:

Thank you :)
Also i'm not entirely sure what you mean by "Lightning effects my reflect on the character"
I assume you mean "Might" reflect? If that's the case, i agree, some bits could've used more attention to detail on that regard. But i'm glad you like it!


So you have some nice work here very talented love the jumping pose, I wouldnt mind some extra shine on the crown, always nice to find artists that will take the time and push the efforts in. But thats exaclty what you have done here and I am glad I got a chance to review this, The Talent based on this is Remarkable and that needs no Explanation so this is a Sinisterly awsome piece of art

I wouldnt mind some extra shine on the crown


Really nice comic

So you really have a nice comic here it has some deep "DEPTH" and some really nice characters with good texture you should make more like this one, and you should make more of these if not a comic its some really nice work, anyways keep up the good work.

Make a comic or more of these.


ThePaintedDogg responds:

Thanks. I'd like to make a comic, but bills unfortunately, have to come first. I'm glad you enjoyed it though!


The lighting effects go well with that black backround, maybe some slight light up areas in the beack end just to reflect more of the nifty effects, it was a delightful piece and I had a pleasure reviewing this. And I hope to review much more of your work in the future so keep making fantastic stuff such as this one, I have really enjoyed it

some slight light up areas in the beack end just to reflect more of the nifty effects



So this was a nice "PIECE" the teeth were interesting maybe ad a small sparkle on the teeth and earings aswell, but this was pretty good stuff, This style was pretty interesting, Infact I would call it pretty Stellar you bring some Blending But at times it could be better with a few more details and effort, But I can see you are Dedicated to some Refreshing and Endless energy and effort

the teeth were interesting maybe ad a small sparkle on the teeth and earings



So this one "REPRESENTS" a strong woman, the arm "MUSCLE" detail represents that well, I do think some small detail in the backround would be nice something subtle maybe a house scene or a gym scene something to represent the main focus, but besides that this was awsome.

Some backround detail.



I just love this piece, all the different "ZILLAS" are nice and each one a bit different from the next, and great use of color aswell, you should make more themes like this not just the zillas but other character types, glad I had a chance to check it out. so make more stuff like this because ofcourse ill be there to review it. but untill then keep that creative style flowing strong

you should make more themes like this not just the zillas but other character types


Very nice

So the "TENTICLE-SOUP" should taste good lol, nice subtle color on this and nice grisn on the faces very nice work here on this one, I dont see any need for any changes this was a fantastic piece of art, your style is great so keep up the awsome art work. This is Sinisterly very well done and yearns some good critique and praise, its a Gnarly and stylistic piece, So keep up the creative mind.

I dont see any need for any changes this was a fantastic piece of art


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