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Haha Nice

So this was actually pretty "GOOD" I like all the different element scenes I think you can improve on the movment animation when he is running like have a different soda on different moments and also some added animation in the backround scenes, but overall this was actually an amusing film here.

I think you can improve on the movment animation when he is running like have a different soda on different moments and also some added animation in the backround scenes


RomWatt responds:

This is based on BRODYQUEST, which already had fairly basic animations, I just wanted to replicate the very style of BRODYQUEST, and if I had to add more animations, that would have been a little too much additional work for me, and a majority of the backgrounds weren't even made by me. Also, I'm still relatively inexperienced with 2D/cartoon animation.

Very nice film

This here is a good Attempt and This was a good way to start this off, this type of flash movie is always my favorite and you have really absorbed the effects in this one. The Dedication is here, I really like this the "VOICES" are great I think adding some subtitles would be a plus on this film, the "ART" is pretty amazing

I think adding some subtitles would be a plus on this film


Warlord-of-Noodles responds:

Subtitles: I feel ya dude. I do like to be able to turn subs on and off so that's why if you want the subbed version you gotta watch it on youtube when it comes out there as it has programmable CC.

Nice animation here

I will start this off by saying this was pretty good of an "ANIMATION" it flowed from each scene to the next, Some added flashy effects in the action mode moment would be nice, Dedication is always key, Alright sofar there is some good direction with this one, I am always trying to give some type of positive feedback somehow, even if you dont use it, it is still there.

Some added flashy effects in the action mode moment would be nice


Axelstation responds:

thanks for the feedback

Really nice

So this was really good the characters are amazing and funny you really have "SOMETHING" here and I was glad to review this, I would suggest and encourage you to make a grand series out of this and let the characters evolve and go on some adventures, This is like a Golden ticket and a Grand entrance into this movie, So here this one jumps out at you with some style and unique style, and sometimes we find something different in the portal and thats what I found here today. This film Suited me just fine now onto more of it.

I would suggest and encourage you to make a grand series out of this and let the characters evolve and go on some adventures


JonMastu responds:

I actually have a whole season planned and another episode is already written and being voiced.

Nice animation

So this was a nice animation here you have some good visual points and I can't say that I have ever had food poison but I don't think I would want any as this was detailed in a way but as for the film it was notbad and I liked the dialog on this one and had fun reviewing your work as this was a pretty good one anyways keep up the good work I look forward to more of your films in the future

No changes with this one it was solid


AustinJayCook responds:

Thanks a million expect many more in the future :D

very short

So that one was very short film, The art is nice and I can see you adding more to this, because in the end this was just very short, so my advice is you can stretch it out a tad bit more and ad more frames more animations maybe even bring in some characters or something.

for sure make this longer.


ToddCircle responds:

Thanks for the comment.
Yes, I agree. It should be longer.


So I found this "ANIMATION" to be somewhat "ARTISTIC" the loop wich was a short loop does loop maybe theres a way you could make it longer because you do have some potential here some extra added frames would be a plus, but with all that said this was nice of an animation.

the loop wich was a short loop does loop maybe theres a way you could make it longer because you do have some potential here some extra added frames would be a plus


MrKai responds:

Thanks for the input, I really appreciate it!

Very nice

So I love the "OLD-STYLE" you pushed on this that really made me enjoy it much more, you should think about adding some subtitles to go along with that whole silient film feel, And some nice Entertainment here has Earned you my excellence award, So as I check out the portal here today You have graced us with something different and unique like this, its a pleasent suprise from whats normally in there. you have Morphed something nice here.

you should think about adding some subtitles to go along with that whole silient film feel


AnimatedZorox responds:

OOOHhhhh mk, I can take that into consideration! thx buddy!

Nice stick animation

So this was a nice "STICK" animation it was not very loud in action but you did present some nice action scenes, love all the blades and such, I think you should ad some music behind this maybe something fast paced, but besides that this was a decent animation you have here.

I think you should ad some music behind this maybe something fast paced


webfox01 responds:

Thank you for the feedback, i didn't understand why i should add music , i already added music to the action parts, the rest of the animation like in the beginning, it didn't need fast paced music, care to show me an example of where i should've added music ? as in the timing.


Well that was kind of funny, very short though but the "ANIMATION" itself was really good I do wish this was a tad longer though maybe a few more scenes would sufice and would be brilliant for this character, anyways nice job here cute little animation you have.

Notbad of a film, A very short toon you have here, too short if you ask me, you can add more shorts to this one so that theresmore to see, but just the one short seems like a waste, besides with more shorts all together more people will enjoy it much more, and allowing for a better outcome and score. but I liked what you presented.


elgordo11x responds:

Thanks! But this is actually apart of a collaboration project where tons of animators do individual scenes of a cartoon and put them together. Thanks for the feedback regardless!

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