That line alone gets you the 10's that was great i was rolling in my chair, damn i love you for this it was lol funny, nice work indeed...
That line alone gets you the 10's that was great i was rolling in my chair, damn i love you for this it was lol funny, nice work indeed...
Wow.... And i thought that was the corniest line in the entire thing! Thnx for the review.
((( MADNES FUN )))
Ya it was cool, good gunfire and flips almost lik omematrix spoofs ha, the santa theme kinda made it fun, notbad...
Thx, the quality was quite bad tho, but the humour seems to have compensated for that, so it ended up ok...
Thanks for reviewing.
Awsome story, thats what i always love to see in flash, anyways the art was great made up for the stick use, but even the sticks looked good, backrounds and music was awsome, it lacked in voice dialog which would have made this flash perfect...
YES! Finally someone who can appreciate a story on a toon at newgrounds, and know how rare it is! Thx, I was getting really sick of the same damn reviews saying "ohhhhhhh, why no bodies?!"
God, don't they read the authors comments?
((( UM OK )))
Well i guess i know what all the fun stuff is all about tweening and bad taste, the fla of the clock was funny, the song was the good part of the film, and the cross thing was just in bad taste, heh but i guess thats what i get for seeing a clock movie, ohwell it was ok funny tweening...
i guess.
((( NOTBAD )))
Hey notbad, glad that you reviewed my movie so i thaught i would return the favor, and since i am here i will check out your other stuff, kinda big dl, but not to bad, keep up the decent work...
OMG YOU REVIEW MY MOVIE!this is a great honor man you kick so much ass!god the number 1 review in newgrounds reviewd my movie thx dude thx alot dude!:D
((( COOL )))
Well it didnt turn out exactly the way i thaught, but it came out better then the first, the cool parts was the view shots, like the point of us looking up at the guy when holding the gun really cool view shots, music was cool in the end, i did notice one litttle error "Knew" in purple text not sure if it was a error in text or what but maybe somthing to look into, i am starting to really like your art style, kinda reminds me of my own style, anyways good flash, dont end it now keep it going i like the series, and could see it run atleast 10 episodes...
Yeah, I know people had their own ideas/expectations about it, but I had to do it my way lol, can't always please everybody... Yeah, loads of friends told me that that part of the guy looking down to us is a really good artist thing or whatever!lol. Thanks. I'll see after school about that error you reported. Hehe, I am actually PLANNING on making more man, and to turn it into a series !... We'll just see what it'll look like...
Thanks for everything AND the review.
((( SCARY )))
OK well it didnt scare me all that much but it was very cool looking, good ghosts and hauntings, if you like this kinda stuff checkout some work i do "Ghost Motel" under my profile flash movies, but anyways great use of colors and sound/fx, just abit scary kinda neat though...
((( OMG )))
Omg dude your getting a dell lol sorry i never said that, anyways i just added this submission as one of my favortes, cause it was great had me rolling, i loved the voice but most of all the jokes were right on, man i live max payne so i love this, cant wait for the next one, great work...
Thanks, coming soon to a flash portal near you.
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