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gmm notbad could be better though

Hmm well the film starts off right away with some stick getting killed, more like smashed up hehe, so im thinking you should ad a stop action code with some added play and replay buttons, also i noticed you had little to no backrounds at all, for me backrounds are very important some people tend to not worry about them yet they do spice of the scene alot, even if it was just a solid color backround it would sufice, just something to think about while making your next flash, now another thing i noticed and something you could work on would be the flash itself was very short and more like a clip, maybe you should add a lot of short clips into one flash that way its not over in a second, anyways its a cute clip of a flash but needs more and needs a few fixes, so nice job but put abit more effort next time.

fix the looping, with a simple stop action code, theres lots of tutorials on here newgrounds just do a search for them, with the phrase "STOP-ACTION-CODE" in the field, also you may need to add some backrounds even if a solid color, and last but not least it was too short so make it longer or add other shorts along with it, so it has some depth to it.

Overall its a cute clip of a flash but needs more along with a few fixes


Its notbad abit short though

First off its a great file size but the "LOADER" seemed to be very slow and not sure if it was my pc or not, but regardless, i like the "3D" spinning skate-board, i think that part could do with some better spinning and possibly some effects like maybe as it spins have some "FIRE-WORKS" spitting out from behind it, and also the "PLAY" button could look better with abit more depth to it, maybe have some fancy text or thicker lettering, the "CAR" was notbad but was too plain looking so maybe more effort on the design of it such as more lines around the edges of the car, and also you should make this go into more scenes like dont let the guy get killed so easily but maybe the car chaces him a few scenes here and there, so in other words add more depth to the story you have here, i did however like the backrounds and the smooth flow of animation

Improved fonts/text, and some effects at the start of the spinning board, more scenes and a deeper story is needed

A short story kinda bland and needs more effort


oh animation

oh this was a nice refreshing suprise to see some "ANIMATION" if even just at the start it was pretty neat also you showed hitler with more stuff and more of the change like with pokemon so nice job on that

i would like to see that cristal thingie on hitlers chest glow or even shoot out some beams or something along them lines

this one has abit more animation then other stuff so it was decent


Entertaining series

Now i must say i have not seen all or most of the series but this was pretty funny, even in its shortness of it all, it gives off a good laugh here and there, i also like your use of coloring alot of the areas and scenes the menu screen was nifty and made me chuckle just abit so nice job on that portion of it all, as for the flash it self, like i said its cute, Your characters are cute, allthough they might look better with abit of hair hehe, you have brought some humor to this but again i think this one was a tad short, i can see alot of humor in it add abit more, some more characters and much more detail on them characters aswell, also i noticed the text "SPEED" was really fast, maybe you could slow that down just abit, anyways i will check out your other movies when i have abit more time.

well for one the text speed could be slightly slower, the whole flash could be a tad longer, and maybe add more detail on your nice characters like wacky hair it will make it more funny

Episode 24 is pretty short but gave a fantastic performance


it was neat

First off the pinkish loader and backround was kinda amusing personally i would have more detail in that backround but then again thats just me, but now for the flash, well i like that you had some art aswell as real images, that was the neat part, you gave it some good humor though which made it even better for me, so thanks for a few laughs there, this was a pretty cute flash especially with the old guy wanting that dress, this is a clock movie but yet there was not much activity by that one clock, this is an ok flash but could be improved, and i know the silly style is the clocks but the animation seemed like it could have been smoother, and it seemed abit short but you did get your little joke across so notbad there, anyways keep up the good work

smooth up the animation just abit, maybe a differant font for the text, and possibly stretch the joke out abit more

Funny lil joke and aumsing


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