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Wow so short

wow this was interesting I like the dialog of it all even the subtitles are pretty nice too, seemed a bit too short and seemed like you could have added more to this maybe even have him walk and talk with differebnt scenes and whatnot, anyways it was good stuff

seemed like you could have added more to this maybe even have him walk and talk with differebnt scenes and whatnot



So I have to say this some super short clip here but the element of it all was very good the pixel element and animation was nice, maybe if you had a few of these short ones adding them all together might be a nice idea, but besides all that this was pretty good animation aspect of it all.

maybe if you had a few of these short ones adding them all together might be a nice idea


Haha nice

so this was kind of short I think the credits were longer lol, but anyways the artwork and characters are really good the shadows and color is nice, very vibrant but was kind of short would have loved some longer secenes even but overall this was a nice little scene

would have loved some longer secenes even but overall this was a nice little move you have made


Strawdud responds:

Yeah these are a bit short. I probably could adapt a few strips and make a compilation instead of just making one at a time or perhaps see if I can work with the comic author and come up with a longer story than the 4 panel strips I adapt them from.


So this was cool it was actually kind of funny and was entertaining the animation was great the voice work was notbad either really nice animation it was just a bit short and could be longer, but other then that this was pretty entertaining of a film here

Could be longer


Stanpai responds:

Thank you! This was actually originally made for the Smash Bros. collab, so I kept it short for that reason, but I really appreciate the feedback. Thank you!


So this was really cool the effects are really nice this has a very doom like element so you did very well there, some really nice scenes in this and love the gun effects you should think about making more of these aswell as some added story aswell, anyways nice movie here.

you should think about making more of these aswell as some added story aswell


Fun movie

So this was cool you have some really good scenes here with some nice visuals you have some nice ideas too I love how vibrant and colorfull is and that theres a story here you have some nice imaginative ideas here the voice work is good maybe some added subtitles would really be nice with this, anyways good submission.

maybe some added subtitles would really be nice with this


Very nice

So this was a great narrating element here the voice itself is really nice and has a crisp and clear sound the animation is presented well along the narrating so really nice job here and some really nice visuals you really put together something nice here

no changes as this was well done and is fine as is.



So this was nice the characters are really good this was even a nice scene I love how you made it go from simple to action then even romantic you should make more maybe even a movie story type this was nice here a good film and well animated so keep up the fantastic work.

as suggested above



so this was somewhat entertaining, the dialog between the two is nice I like the talk here kind of like talk radio so nice work there the audio is good the characters fit well, I might ad some subtitles and it seemed to cut off at the end there, but anyways nice work here.

some subtitles could really work well with this


TheOddHikikomori responds:

Yeah,true thanks for the tip


So once againg this was a nother cool film by you the voice work is as awsome as always the backround was notbad I wouldnt mind seeing like a vid screen of some type like a tv screen to show all your images that he talks about but anyways nice work here this was a funny bit.

I wouldnt mind seeing like a vid screen of some type like a tv screen to show all your images that he talks about


AustinJayCook responds:

I'm glad you enjoyed! I loved the old TV situation, once I find a proper way to collaborate it into the video you will for sure see it!

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