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Very nice

Love how this starts with the rain and some good voices too great visual elements too and even making some nice shine scenes that make this a fun flick the whole Minecraft style was a plus for me as I too am a fan so that was nice but anyways nice Minecraft flick


Minecraft related

Haha this was funny and the hawk was a nice character lol Well what can you say Minecraft is some nice content and you made a good film right here bring out some nifty memory of Minecraft so for me I love the Minecraft element you have added within this film


Epic film

While its comming to an end I just want to say it was a beautiful series and still today is amazing What an epic film you have created here with some good stylish visuals but you create beyond all that with some nice depth to character profiles and story within and thats what I really liked about this one



Looks like a rock not a guy lol very entertaining and true your toons are not very long lol, its good to have these notes when watching your toons lol, no but really nice notebook elements here



So this one is a classic but love the artwork like the characters with the backround being from a game but it worked and the lil war they are in was pretty nifty, seems like this one could be longer


Haha nice

So this was such a good idea with johns arm I think this was a series but not sure, you have some nice animation some good sounds and the art was notbad either a fun character and a fun animation here


Nice depth

So intense especially with the swinging discs very epic here I really love the detail and depth you push forward in this one you give it some style here broken Saints is one of those special ones and this was just a top notch episode of the series some beautiful work and animation


Love the visuals

Wow love how this starts off with the fan some really nice effects too I really love this series and love the visuals you show off and with deep story you bring to the table it's pretty nice I like the energy the story and characters bring so props to you on a great story and series



This ran fast but has some good characters and some fun animations the characters are pretty good and some nice flow of animation here, So this movie some call it fill it with fun and entertainment for the best of outcomes and bring it all together for something good, but anyways great lil toon here would be cool if it was longer but was actually pretty good stuff


Very nice

The art first of all is nice simple yet detailed the animation of the character is nice, Despite the clogged portal this was an amazing find while its not the most perfectioned film around I still think it is pretty interesting, I like that this was simple but was still nice so I will look forward to whatelse you can make from this and other stuff untill then keep up the fantastic film making, A good simple animation and fun element of interesting animation


hobotoon responds:

thanks a lot !

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