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A shot lil piece here but was pretty cute some nice animation and wish these things were longer but it was a funny and entertaining toon here, you have made it interesting and didnt bore me at all and that all said this was a nifty find in the portal today, Nice character work



Wow you do some amazing work on this one I hope this is a series the intense scenes are amazing Now this is a star of a film an entertaining submission here I like the content you got going on with this one its pretty interesting, Some added longer scenes maybe even more dialog would be nice, A nifty movie idea here and I took a good liking to it so with all that said it was a nice find indeed and hope you make many more such as this one, And while this is comming to an end this was nice work


Really cute

So this was really cute the characters are pretty cute and the voice work was pretty amazing, I think some added scenes would be nice on this, you should keep up with this style and you have cleverly used some nice effects and elements to make this a good submission nice work and cute characters


Awsome work

Now this was pretty awsome you always seem to bring on that amazing voice and awsome effects, Despite the clogged portal this was an amazing find while its not the most perfectioned film around I still think it is pretty interesting, And on those effects again just very awsome indeed, so I will look forward to whatelse you can make from this and other stuff untill then keep up the fantastic film making, An amazing film great voice work and love the content



So this was pretty intense love how it starts off and runs through, There is no dispute with this film You really bring out the detail and nifty elements on the screen so nice job on this one, Seemed to be on the short side but is a pretty impressive flow of animation and some very nice art detail, decent movie you have here there was some nifty points in it its sad that im comming close to the end of this review because I really liked what you had to offer here, A fun lil flick here with some really nice animation


CondePablo responds:

Thank you very much for your comment! It's a trailer for a series project that I'm currently developing as a webcomic: https://www.instagram.com/elementarios.comic/


Well that was entertaining love the clip like scenes here and mario can be pretty bad here, so nice job on this, good mario character and luigi and some funny comical elements, My remarks on this flick submission are that its a fine flick movie entry I was pretty glued to the screen so nice job



The witch was good you really gave these characters some personalities maybe ad on some subtitles and make it feel like the game with a good story taking place and that's what I have seen on this flick on this one here today you have a nice Minecraft movie here and it was a refreshing experience with this Minecraft submission



So this was cool I like the pixel element you bring into this one its pretty nice work, the voices are nice especially that professor guy lol, lots of nice visuals and color in this movie here, overall a fun element here


Awsome film

These are pretty nice and some nice work on art with the characters and you even ad a comical side to the characters A fine movie indeed I love all things Minecraft and this is right up there with the best of them because you really bring the Minecraft style into the film



Well this was pretty entertaining and I like the 80's music and old like footage really worked out for making it feel like an older film, good animation regardless and a nice and sexy character along with animation


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