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amusing but too short

a fast flash you have here, and you added some {NIFTY} sound/fx, but i have to say that this was just too short i thought, you should make it longer, it was really funny and all, just still very {SHORT} something that could be longer just have to stretch it out abit, the content was funny and sick in away, but like i said it was amusing and i did get a short laugh out of it, now you could ad more scenes, or better yet make other shorts along with this, kinda like a series of short clips about differant restuarants and stuff it might have better results that way i thought, But again its just too short and needs more to it either in a series of shorts or by adding more to this one making it longer and eventually stretching out the joke you do got going, but anyways something to try out, also another thing might be the light {BLUE} backround on the credits maybe make it abit darker will make the text better to read, anyways it was a funny little short but in the end it needs more to it. anyways good luck on your next entry, thats if you still make stuff, since this one was abit on the older side.

a couple of things, mainly that it was too short and could be better as a longer flash or a number of short clips in the flash, aslo the light blue backround in the menu and credits could be another color something more dominant and darker

A very short flash but its very amuising.


This was interesting

You have a good little story here, the "ART" and "GRAPHICS" could use some work though, also some backrounds are needed as you mostly had it blank. which made it very bland so something to work on and i hope will improve on this, anyways good luck on this

Add some backrounds, and more detail on the main artwork, like characters

Interesting and decent flash could use some improvment


This was funny

First off i like your "CHARCTERS" very original and funny looking, this flash was good and had some good humor just like i like, you really do have an idea here you just need to improve on it the characters are your best point on this whole flash now work on other stuff such as story-plots, introduce more characters and really let this flash take off into something awsome, hope to see more like this sometime soon here on newgrounds

Well as exolained more story and plot work, but you do have something with the characters

funny and neat characters needs more to the story though


This was neat

Notbad of some visuals, i thought some of them were more basic then anything else but they seem cool, i would love to see some changes like more depth in each visual or something, but something that brings out the flash more, with better presentation, just a few ideas to improve on it, anyways good luck and hope to see some better and more improved stuff in the near future.

Add more "DEPTH" like more shades more effects expecially in the backrounds

decent could use abit more effort though.


Impressive music and animation

This Was a really good song, and, i know i have heard it before, nice to see that you implemented it in here though, As for a sonic based flash the music really did match the animation, and props to you for having good qaulity of animation with art animation speed and graphics detail it all came together very well and showed off in your presentation so really good job there, I also like the fact that you did more then just use sprites it was very impressive with the animating, I like how you have deep info on the {CHARACTERS} and all makes for a good and
better story and animation heres, now how can we improve not much as it was fantastic and you used all sorts of elements to push this forward, but to improve maybe more special effects like lights and rays and stuff that happens in the backround and such. anyways good flash here, make more soon.

As to improve i did mention abous some backround effects to spice it up abit, but other then that it was pretty good.

overall a good and entertaining flash good music to go with some smooth animating.


Funny flash here

Well the fight scene was notbad, i thought it was odd that it was "DBZ" characters on the super mario world "BACKROUNDS" but anyways it was a good fight the action was so-so, it seemed to be abit short, so maybe you could
add more content, also i noticed there was not much dialog thats also something i think could be worked on to better improve the outcome of this film

work on some more dialog from the characters, and some longer scenes in the flash, and maybe some differant backrounds

could use more effort but its pretty good sofar


Needs to be longer

This was very short so add more to it especially with the story, you do have an idea here you just need to expand on it, with dialog, much more depth in the story lots more in that area but start with the story, there is a number of stuff you can do with this, so work on some stuff and show how much you can do with it.

well like i said the story does need some depth to it so start there

Needs some more effort especially with the story


Abit silly

This was silly very cartoony, but i liked it and it made me laugh so nice job there, The cartoony style is not bad but you need more of it, i would love to see it much longer though, you have the right idea with it being silly and stuff, now just add more content and all that good stuff, so give it a try it will prove to work out for the best. anyways good luck.

add more content, more stuff happening and more differant scenes, make it longer. and more humor aswell.

Cartoony but was too short, needs more content, as explained above, it was entertaining though


Could be better

Funny yes, but needs abit better "EFFECTS", subtiles would be nice aswell, and i wouldnt mind seeing a larger view screen on this, this could be much better and with those few changes i suggested would greatly help, nothing wrong with adding some humor aswell, anyways better luck next time

Make the viewscreen larger, and add some subtiles, also some added humor would be nice, most of all it would be great if you worked on effects abit better.

needs some improvments but its a start in the right direction.


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