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Very good

So this was some very good work here and as a fave it was a nice job it was great as a first episode I wonder if you had made anymore but regardless this was a fantastic film of a submission so do make more

Make more indeed


Very nice

Well I have to say this was a nice film here some deep moments and some impact moments really made this something fun and a nice experience to review it a pleasure to see the story and style unfold so really nice work indeed I like the artwork

Make more like this


Wow nice

So this was pretty cool some nice visuals on this and some nice actions the design to make it flow so well was a plus you have outdone yourself here and I really enjoyed your work here and I even look forward to even more

No changes needed



I like the color on this seems like the art is somewhat simplistic maybe some added shading within the characters one thing I have learned over the years is that with each new production theres always a form of improvment but I do have to say this was somewhat entertaining could have some more dialog among the characters or something that gives it a bit more depth, anyways nice entry

I do have to say this was somewhat entertaining could have some more dialog among the characters or something that gives it a bit more depth


FlashFloodStudios responds:

steve the rapper made this

stevetherapper responds:

Alright! But it would be harder to do the lip syncing with more dialog, especially since I have to do the animation before I do the dialog, don’tcha think?

Nice narrating

so this was some nice narrating on this one you have some good voice work here on this and the visuals are really nice here I like your work here and love the detail you push forward onto this something like this would do well with some subtitles, but this was a nice piece.

something like this would do well with some subtitles



So this was pretty entertaining somewhat short kind of funny the artwork was nice seems like it could have been longer maybe even a few different scenes even some subtitles would have been nice, its funny though I really like what you have done with the characters though.

the artwork was nice seems like it could have been longer maybe even a few different scenes even some subtitles would have been nice



This is an interesting ones I love what you do with the artsy character and the visual bacrounds the voice was kind of hard to hear so maybe in this case some subtitles would fit well I like the cut off head lol, anyways some nice work here you have some nice ideas here.

some subtitles would be nice



Well That was kind of funny I got a few chuckles out of this one it was entertaining you have impressed me the simplistic art is nice the sound f/x and music fit in well do wish it was a tad longer but overall this was funny stuff so do make more of these kinds.

do wish it was a tad longer but overall this was funny stuff


KevinTrentin responds:

thank you !, yes, originally, there were a couple of scenes where the alien attacks some guards but that would lengthen the animation too much.
however I will keep it in mind if I return to this animation

Randomly funny

An entertaining film I like the characters here and the voices are nice the ideas for each skit are really good wouldnt mind some added color in this or atleast the backrounds and some subtitles could go a long way with this, anyways great animation here.

wouldnt mind some added color in this or atleast the backrounds and some subtitles could go a long way with this



Air-bud lol the artwork and the characters were really good here as were the voices aswell, you have some nice and entertaining film here I do however think some subtitles would go well here, anyways great film here seems like it coulod make for a good series.

some subtitles would work well with this particular film.


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