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Needs visuals

Hmm well this was interesting The "MUSIC" was really good though, but your flash had mostly all text and a black backing thats actually ok because its the perfect combo for just text, now this was more of a msg then anything else, and while thats cool that you are trying to get your point across, i think you should have done more with it, like you should have added some "VISUALS" like stuff of the what you were talking about of what you dont like or do like, but as said before you just put text and people tend to get bored of that style and such, and you have to give your flash some appeal so others wont get bored of it so easily, and even that you can get people interested in your msg, but anyways, i kinda found this flash hard to review as there really was not much going on, but i do hope the few ideas i suggested do help. anyways good luck. Hope to see something new in the near future.

Ad some visuals, and more then just text as your msg, also it just starts playing you may want to ad a play button and stop action code so it doesnt just start like that, just a few ideas that could improve on this, maybe even have some visuals of the type of flashes you think are bad

A text msg of some sorts, kinda silly.


This was good

well this was entertaining, And i liked the awsome artwork, It really showed to be something neat and shows the effort in this iswell, the humor was ok also but i thought you could have shown more humor there, anyways very nice and somewhat funny flash here, keep up the good work, i look forward to more if you still make stuff.

A few things would be to work on some more humor on this and maybe add more of the awsome art that you did present in this

its funny but could use more effort in humor, anyways nice job.


This was really short, needs effort

You have a really short animation here, it also loops so thats an easy fix, i explain with more detail but basicly, it will stop the looping its called a "STOP-ACTION-CODE" you can do a search for it in the flash forums for help if you dont understand much about it, also you flash was way short you may want to think about adding more to it or making a number of short flashes so its not just one single one, thats an idea that you could try, The animation, was also too fast you want to slow it down just abit, also you should change up the "CONTENT" abit it might be abit much for some, so these are just a few things to think about, So think of new ideas, put much more effort and really put stuff into it like effects maybe a story of some sort and see what you come up with, good luck on your next entry.

I would suggest to improve on the flash short you could add more shorts and put them all on one flash instead of just the one, but having alot in one flash would make it more entertaining, and make the flash longer with more to see, A short animation you have here, maybe abit too short i would say to improve on the flash as a whole either make this one longer with much more content or, add more shorts in here such as about 3-5 short short animatins that way it doesnt seem like a waste of one flash space and also you get more viewing for alot of your work instead of just one piece, These are just a few things that could help to improve on this.

A very short flash, had some off content but it could use some improving, i explained a few ideas hope that helps abit.


Love it

Haha this was awsome, even if it was abit short, but i use to play this alot and its a classic to see, so glad you made a short out of it hehe, its acyually pretty amusing and i got lots of joy and good entertainment out of this as im sure many others will aswell, you did ok here and i thought more humor and more entertaining value could have been in this but you did an outstanding job. nice job

Make it longer and maybe with abit more story to it, some extra added humor something that all will come to enjoy

entertaining and short, could be a tad longer if you ask me


Somewhat funny

This was somewhat funny but needs more improved humor, like more jokes, more stuff that is more on the "RANDOM" side of things, just more stuff that will grasp the user and give them a laugh or two give it abit more effort with humor, aswell as abit more content on backrounds and more animation, other then that it was just ok.

Some random humor would be nice, mmore effort in that area

Needs more humore but is pretty good for what it is.


Bazaar and amusing

um ok so this was interesting and random i would have to say, now the fact that this "LOOPS" is a sign not that much effort was there but you did seem to put effort in other parts so i will let it slide there, but anyways the opening scene was um bazaar? lol it did give off a laugh or two, the battery scene was odd, then it just ended, but like i said it was funny and the little randomness, so as to make this better then what it is, you could add more randomness making it longer and even introducing other and new characters is one idea, But anyways a good flash you have here, very entertaining and did give me a laugh but could use a few fixes to improve on things and make it a much better flash then it already is, so give it a try, see better results. Hope to see some new stuff from you soon.

Ad new characters, more randomness, and new scenes aswell, Add a stop-Action code, it will stop the looping of the flash, aswell ad some play and replay buttons.

Random but pretty funny, opening scene is abit much but you know lol.


Fun game, needs more

Now here is an older flash from way back when but still has some good quality to it, such as the "CODING" of the game, but i must say it did lack in more levels and such, as you did only have the three options of death unless i missed something, but still for the mostpart it was a good and simple game and made in a time of the sadam era which was amusing aswell, the effects were pretty good, and would have been nice as stated before to have more death options, or even have the game go into new scenes for new levels and ofcourse new death stuf, just a few ideas that would greatly improve on this, you did have something good here and its nobad at all even for today, so really awsome job here, i had lots of fun with this one. but anyways good luck on any new stuff you may make.

well i did explain above on a few ideas on how to improve onto this, like, more "LEVELS" more "DEATH-OPTIONS" and so on, hope it helps for any improving on this nifty little game.

a fun game, it lacks more effort thouogh, i still had fun with it.


Amusing too short though

Now here was one flash that was really short, maybe too short if you ask me, but anyways more about that later, the animation is actually entertaining just too short, you have some good characters, and somewhat animation like with the guy passing with the gun, also the movie just started no play button or anything, so you may want to add a preloader, also a stop-action code so it doesnt "LOOP" but so that it will start on the click of a play button, Now i must say i had fun with this as it was amusing and i like the three differant steps you showen and that was kinda funny, the characters were neat but why no mouths? another suggestion might be to have more realistic gun shots of something, and more smoke, but anyways good little short here could use some improving but overall i was entertained with the outcome.

I would suggest adding a "PLAY" button and a "REPLAY" button, I would Also suggest to improve on the flash short you could add more shorts and put them all on one flash instead of just the one, but having alot in one flash would make it more entertaining, and make the flash longer with more to see

funny and amusing abit too short i thought.


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