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Hmm this was pretty intersting.

This was an interesting flash here and i like there is some medals, not much but a few, the "SIZE" of the file was a tad much though but guess it was all worth it, Ok so the story was pretty good adn it has a sorta happy ending but still pretty good, and there was alot of diffeant cut scenes and the story was really good, and the style of animation was very impressive aswell and i really enjoyed this, as for the game part with medals that wasneat you really hid stuff well, and i got some but not all, still i think you should add more medals, but for the most part this was a pretty good movie with a bonus in medals so nice effort nice flash movie here, keep up the awsome work.

First of all some extra medals might be a nice addition to this, and some small file reduction but for the mostpart this was pretty good i thought.

A good story here with some added medals for extra game play, so nice job all around even the music was pretty good.

Good game fun and entertaining

OK so first off i want to say nice effort on theintro it was pretty neat and gives you a little something to look at before the actual flash so that was a nice touch and gives it a more full look to it so props to you on that. This was a fun game it was kind of huge with a very large file size, maybe that can be trimmed down somehow, just a tad atleast, also would be nice to have some more "MEDALS" on here aswell, you had some but some more would be great. Great job on winning some awards thats always a nice touch and shows that the fans, users and viewers really enjoyed it as i did so congrats on that. The flash went by pretty fast and there was lots to see, it was pretty enertaining and it was very entertaining, Another great job on the "VOICES" they really cameout well and the voice actors put in the emotion in the voice so that was another great thing about this fantastic flash, I have not seen the others but i think i will after this as this was very interesting was just abit down do to the size and all, The story seemed really good and the whole flash seemed to go abit long so maybe another reason to cut the file size down just a tad but it was pretty worth it, But anyways this was pretty good and very entertaining and i had a good time with this one.

Just some ideas and tips on improving some points of the flash, so here are some suggestions, i hope they help, Medals are great and you had some in here but seemed too few amount, so by adding more it would increase the quality and allow for more players to have more fun and more to look for and play for, give it a try // large file, //

It has been a pleasure enjoying this flash from start to finish, i got alot out of it and i hope others enjoy it aswell, if not they will be missing a decent flash, could use some extra stuff but for now it was pretty good. keep up the good work. So the Only thing i Really had issues with was the large megabite file, I only worry that it may limit some users from enjoying your work, just something to think about when making big file flashworks. Maybe you can cut it down somehow. even making this into two parts might work, but compressing stuff like music, removing jpegs, and less quality on detailed artwork might even help, also removing symbols from the flash lybrary that are no longer in use is another option to go about.

Very Creative

This was pretty cool, i am really liking the use of color and lighting effects on top of that. everything on this seemed to be well orginized and well put together, and it shows in the content, so thats what i was really impressed with, I also love the creativity of things and really made this world come to life, so it was really good in that aspect of stuff, There was some voices and such but seemed only for a little bit, you could really try and push that forward with some more dialog and such, it would better the film aswell, but for the mostpart this was pretty good on all fronts.

So this was a good flash stand alone, could use some slight improving such as more dialog, and more of the use of color and light effects you were pushing already. I also want to take this time to give you a big congrats on the awards you won for this flash it's always a plus on that, so congrats, hope to see more awards come your way.

So a great flash, great use of color, and an neat world. i enjoyed it lots.

Notbad at all

OK so this was notbad at all, I love the intro and all the color and fast action it was really a great toon, this had alot of stuff going for it and i was pretty impressed with it through-out the whole film, you brought in some funny jokes and such and that made itpretty entertaining, and there was alot of audio and music put into this that was a plus, i like the humor you gave this sometimes i didnt understand it all but for the mostpart it was pretty entertaining, I did think you could have gone a little bit more though more jokes more random stuff would have been nice, as for improving on this well as mentioned more humor more random stuff, but overall this was a pretty solid toon, and congrats on getting front paged thats always a plus, anyways keep up the good work.

So some more humor and more random stuff happining and so on, as suggested, other then that this was pretty good.

This was a funny toon, very entertaining i enjoyed it and hope others enjoy it like i have.

LOL This was cute

Haha ok so i really got a kick out of this one, i love the whole sound/fx in the backround as if an audiance it really makes for a good toon, the black and white style is also cute aswell as the nifty and cute characters, the music seemed to fit so perfect with this though, it was an all around good and cute cartton so nice job on this one very cute and random stuff going on, now as for making it better, maybe just add a touch of color just here and there would be nice, very nice work here i like the narrating in this especially at the end, nice job indeed.

A touch of color in this wouldnt hurt, like a ball, a dot here and there, would work well with the black and white style.

So overall this is a cute little tune, i enjoyed it, random and cute this one was.


Well i must say this was pretty interesting, it is somewhat repettitive though and could use more variaty and changes in the turning , its trippy and neat though just too repettitive maybe if you had it go into differant scenes and what not it mght have more depth to it, but i suppose for the most of it it was pretty trippy and guess thats what you were goingfor, the music was pretty cool, could have been louder though, so all and all this was a pretty good flash and i liked it, just a tadmore variaty and new things to see next time, good luck.

Needs more variaty, more differant scenes and more differant animation dances.

Notbad of a flash kinda like a music player, its abit reppetitive though.

TheBoogley responds:

it's a loop, dude. When you get bored of it you turn it off... :)

So first off this was pretty good and congrats on the awards for this aswell, that was pretty impressing, I also like the Low size of the flash as it was only 4 megs that allowed me to enjoy it too especially at the high quality it is, so again nice job there, And i like how it rolled like a music video that gave it some style, so nice touch there, The characters in this were pretty amusing and you gave them life wich was another nice touch, making the whole flash more enjoyble even in its music video like state, so props there once again, So in a nutshell you presented some humor, amazingly i must add, some good loops, and some very refreshing characters that blew up the screen making for a very entertaining flash, So awsome job on this, it was fantastic. i look forward for more of your adventures with great stories like this one.

Now as for some improving on something as good as this, i thought it could have more looping humor stuff, and even more story to it, but thats probably the most i could get out there.

Overall this was cute, funny, and a good story with some refreshing and bazar characters.

Its decent

I must say this was very "ARTISTIC" and i love how it just starts off right away and all the walking is great, it has all sorts of differant characters walking back and forth, the music reall fits the animation of walkers, this was just an overall artistic piece and the music was very flowing of the visuals, so really awsome job on this awsome piece, now if i could offer any advice, it might be to change up the backround scenes so that it changes every once in awhile, even throwing in some clickble easter eggs or something maybe on unque characters or something, other then that this was pretty good, great stuff, keep up the creative wheels.

So while this was pretty good, very artistic, it does lack multiple backround scenes, and even unique characters, possble making some easter egg options wouldnt hurt either.

Overall a good creative flash needs more backround scenes though.

TheBoogley responds:

thanks! You're decent! :D

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