
20,788 Movie Reviews

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562 reviews are hidden due to your filters.

((( IT WAS OK )))

Its ok, but that beeping sound was really annoying. The sounds were a bit odd to pick, but it still was used ok for the meaning of the animation, i like the drawings you made, and how you animated them, i think you need some shading, and more detail into certain parts of this animation. The story is a bit silly, but its still an ok animation to watch...


((( CREEPY )))

Its kinda creepy, but in a good way, i like the way you make your animations, and all the detail into it. The animation does not make much sense, but it does have an interesting story to it...

Maybe next time you can add color to the black, and white scene because those did seem a bit out of place...

Good job...


notorious responds:

Hey! the #1 reviewer on newgrounds, XwaynecoltX, reviewed my movie! Thanks for the helpfull review!

((( OK )))

You need more detail in your characters, and more shading. The backgrounds need some work, but its ok so far. Sound is nice, and goes nice with this, i like the start of the flash it was really well done, and i liked watching it....


((( ODD )))

Its a bit odd, and creepy but that is ok. Your style is nice, and detailed, i like the sounds, and the weird story you have here about killer toast...

Maybe next time you can work on how you draw the toast, and add more voices, and more story...


((( GOOD )))

I like the graphics, and effects you have in this. The character were a little odd, but well drawn. The voices were a bit too loud, and scratchy, i liked the story you had here, and the amount of effort you have put into this...


facechild responds:

thanks for the review, i tried to make the voices of good quality, they dont seem to play scratchy on my comp though...


Wow keep these coming they are really quite good to watch, and really detailed. The action in them is great, and i love all the detail, and effort you put into them...

This is another great edition to the series, so i hope there will be more...


((( AMAZING )))

Wow great job i am really impressed with what you have done here, and the amount of effort you have put into this animation movie...

I can't say there can be any improvments, because its just pretty well done...

Excellent job...


n2cypher responds:

Thanks for the compliments man. They mean a lot coming from someone who's seen so many flash movies! There's definitely a lot of room for improvement, though, but i'm glad you liked it.

((( AWESOME )))

This is a really awesome animation movie you have here, i really enjoyed this very much. The detail, and effort put into this is amazing, and the depth is also very well done. The story is good, and has lots of good action parts to it...

Keep up the good work...


((( ROFFL )))

Oh man that first scene with the messanger was really funny haha...

This is a great little short about the PTFA guy, and i enjoyed watching it very much, i like the comedy in this the most, and how you drew the guy. The backgrounds are nice, but you might want to work on animating your messager window it looked a bit odd...

Great job...


Ryan-Smith responds:

I know they are brown which doesn't make sense. Glad you thought it was funny because thats the point of making these, comedy.

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