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Could be longer

Hmm well to start off this was interesting, its an intro ofcourse but it was kinda neat, but still too short thought you could have added much more then that, maybe have the title have more animation or go more into it with some character details and such so that it shows more on what to expect on the stuff that is presented in the full version, just a thought though but from what i see , its pretty good i thought, just abit on the shortside for me, anyways good luck on any more stuff in the future

As i mentioned how about longer showing more characters of the full version, and more animated effects like with the title or something

short intro but gets to the point


falling responds:

Of course I could have added more bells and whistles, but what can't you recommend that for? As for the length, I was asked to create something around 15 seconds. As you can see I actually went over that time. More characters would have been a good addition though. Thank you.

lol i like

lol i like this one, its way too short though, you should think of adding more content though, but these are funny, kinda reminds me of the eskimo bob series short and funny, now as for improving you should add more characters make it longer and even speed up the animation abit, but other then that these are pretty funny . keep up the good work.

like i said before longer some other and new scenes and some new characters wouldnt hurt.

another and cute animation


lol funny

LOL well that was amusing, i remember seeing alot of these back in the day im glad to see that you are still making them, now as short as this one is, its actually ok with me as it was abit more quality then the others but really like the use of color you got going on this one though, i enjoyed it and cant wait for some more, as for improving on some more, abit longer and have the main character do abit more.

well as suggested you could have more going on like more scenes and stuff.

funny and entertaining



haha that was pretty funny and amusing i thought, lots of good color, and i like the backrounds you used, you showed some good {DETAIL} now the flash itself is kinda short but you gave it just the right amount of content it was creepy at the same time but still entertaining, i wouldnt mind it beeing abit longer though, maybe take it into more scenes but for the most part it was pretty entertaining.

could see it a tad longer maybe other scenes and a few other characters wouldnt hurt

entertaining abit short but still ok i thought


kinda short

LOL well i wont lie this was very cute and i got a good laugh out of it, it was kinda short, the pumnkin idea was neat but thios could have been slightly better if abit longer and showing that the kid did get to cut it, also your flash {LOOPS} you may want to add a stop action code at the start of your {TIMELINE} so it doesnt loop, and if your gonna have short flashes why not add a number of short ones and put them in here so that its not so short just an idea though, anyways good luck on your next one.

Well a few things could really be worked on, first off adding a stop action code, adding more to the story, and or adding other short animations to go with.

Abit on the short side but still cute, i enjoyed it.

Mukki responds:

(: Thanks! I'm not sure how to put a preloader in so if I ever do learn, i'll make sure add it in this one and other future submissions.

Decent could use some work though

First off nice preloader at the start with the gunshots to reflect a liitle of what the main video will be about good little {DETAILS} like that are always a pleasure so nice touch there, and now onto the flash itself, now i noticed a few things such as the {ANIMATION} was abit slow, you could speed it up abit like when they are coming out of the truck, also the {TEXT} the yellow text could be bigger maybe not so bright, just a few ideas there that could be improved some of the effects were ok but could also use some spicing up to look better maybe adding some color in there wouldnt hurt but overall it was ok with me.

Work on a few things like faster animation, more color in effects, and better fonts all around.

overall entertaining but still could use abit more stuff and effort added


Abit old but still ok

Hmm ok this one was differant, i like the little animation at the start before it starts, i thought the menu screen was kinda silly, seems like you had alot of symbols and stuff there in just crampped all over and seemed like too much, but for an older flash its not so bad, you had oranges and greens there but you should think about mixing it up abit, so its not all the same, and i would also lose the outline over the symbols, allthough the symbols are nothing much anyways, Now for the whole button thing i think you should remove the buttons and just let it flow like a flash movie, the buttons slow it down, There was far too much gradients used, and it didnt show the effort you could have done with more creations with shades detail, so try that out aswell, but anyways this was pretty good, good luck on your next one.

Instead of all the gradiend circles you should have more shades, and remove the ouline aswell, and use less gradients, Now with buttons its ok, but if you let it flow more like a movie without the buttons it will run smoother, to me in my opinion the buttons seem to slow it down and tends to get anoying with all the clicking, so try it out with removing the buttons, if you dont kike that style you can always go back to the other way. Less gradients next time also.

A decent story, too much use of gradients though.


Really good stuff

Wow this was very impressive right from the start, its just too short allthough i do understand its a demo and all but would have been nice too see just a tad more, now the effects were very impressive with some very sharp fps so welldone on your part on those areas looks good and the sounds matched perfectly, now the idea is to get you to make a longer version and give us more character info and such, but for the mostpart i really enjoyed it , hope to see more from you soon, anyways nice job.

well could be longer and with more content but you already know that. and more character info,

overall good stuff needs abit more


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