This movie shows that you have a lot of potential. and that this flash movie has alot of potential aswell, Now you only need some better tools, Or more improved outcomes with the tools. Really good video here like a music video, and the song was great fit well with the animation wouldnt mind some subtitles but it was a pretty good piece here. On an ending note to the review part of things here, it was ok, could use some extras and more stuff here and there, but I got alot from this, it has an entertaining valie and some good quality points but also need that extra push, but overall I found it to be alright. Never forget improving is just the first step to making it even better, anyways nice work here.
This has good Potential And I really like your direction in this piece, just could use more of a push in some areas so think about improving on some of the lacking areas. I saw some points of cleaning up. Perhaps a few random ideas as well. This could use some subtitles, it would help on a number of issues here the main being that its always nice to have some subtitles on voice work just for that extra effort on any flash, and second would help greatly if the voices are hard to hear.