
20,788 Movie Reviews

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((( DECENT )))

Hmm you have a nice story here, and it was nice to watch it. The music was just great i loved it, and went good with this animation. The text parts were you read the story needed some work, because they went by a little too fast, but it was still done nicely...

Maybe next time you could move the text a little slower, and have more movements out of the worm and bird, but it still a decent job...


jamesthebumtickler responds:

yeah im fully understanding flash now and ive got a new project just finished just looking for someone to do audio thatnks alot for the score

((( COOL )))

Well you have a lot of great action here, and its a great fight scene so far, but you need to add a little more to it, its good but some parts need more backgrounds, and other parts where missing some color, i really liked the way you drew your characters, and that one background you had with rocks and lightning was really cool, good job so far...


((( AMAZING )))

That was just amazing how much action, and effort you put into this. The two characters that are fighting look really cool, and i love the way you animated their fight scenes, and that cop looks pretty funny at times. The music goes good with the action, and it was nice to hear, i liked the menu you have at the end of this animation it was nicely done, and that Zelda preview was nice...


((( AWESOME )))

Whoa that has to be some really great animations you have here, i have never been big on FF, but this was a really entertaining movie you have here. The buttons at the start were great. The story was interesting, and the part with the girls and beer was the really funny, i liked how you put detail, and lot of shading into all parts of this animation, it shows how much effort you have put into this, good job...


((( COOL )))

Wow nice movie indeed, i liked the story you have at the stroy, and the text looked really nice in writting like that, the characters looked cool, and i loved the effects you created. The music was nice, i liked the part where he transforms the most it was really well done, good job...


((( NICE STORY )))

Notbad, you started it off with cool music, and the evil laugh at the begenning was a nice touch, i also like the castle backrounds, allthough they could have used some better detail and shading, the sticks as characters are ok but would like to see more character like characters...

The story was great and was interesting, the artwork does need some work aswell as the character designs, other then that i was impressed, hope to see more soon...


((( CUTE )))

Haha made me chuckle a few times, loved the shell sounds haha, the little comic at the startw as neat, it gets abit crazy with that large overlord hehe, and i thaught the mario and luigi was cute and simple like hehe, anyways nice work indeed, keep it up...


((( GOOD )))

That was good, i laughed at a lot of parts in this, because you made it really funny in some scenes. The voices were really well done, i liked the part where he looks out of the telescope and says he sees pretty colors the most haha, the story of two pirates on a island, and what they are doing was a good idea, and really fun to watch...

Good job...


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Age 51, Male


Joined on 1/17/01

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