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Interesting but needs more stuff

Hmm well its an interesting game, with lots of drug type of stuff, not always the best of choices but i guess it was more for the humor of it all, the "INTERACTIVITY" of it all is pretty good, and it seems like it could use more, as for the graphics it could have much better graphics details you did good it just could use abit more details, and also the "BACKROUNDS" could use more effort on your part as these black bland ones just didnt do much it needs some sorta backdrop like a room or street corner to even reflect the content of the game and such, so those few things could be worked on to improve on this game you have here, also more "OPTIONS" of the drugs and stuff would also be nice, but for the mostpart i had fun with this game, just add more stuff next time. anyways good game, more effort is needed.

More effort is needed on a few things such as more props more options for the drugs and an improved backround, and posibly a better preloader

Fun game a little bland though


Its notbad

Hmm ok a nice little animation you have, the size was starting to get abit on the large side but it was worth the wait i thought, i think your "MENU" screen could use some spicing up maybe give it some borders and frames and maybe even a better "PLAY" button but for the mostpart there it was ok, Nice detail like the girls shirt "MUFFIN TOPS" hehe that was pretty funny, as for the art, you have some smooth looking characters and art, some "SUBTITLES" would be a nice addition in this little flash of yours, you have presented us with some pretty good humor on this, some funny jokes and even funnier dialog, this was a good flash was not too short and not too long and as i said about improving on the menu screen you can do abit of the same of the "END" menu screen, the "FONT" could be changed aswell, anyways good work here

The menu screen where the play button is could use some spicing up maybe some borders/frames and maybe an actualy play button besides just the word play, also some subtitles could be added as a nice option to the viewers,

A good flash here with some funny humor and good characters i enjoyed it


Nice start

Interesting story you have here for us, i like the idea of a portal and stuff, your madness character was ok could be improved, maybe to be more like the madness characters, anyways good animation and good idea with the portal appearing everywhere and such, you have presented lots of action, the animation was pretty good if you ask me, and you took this little flash into lots of differant scenes and room with some nice effects aswell as some neat motion with the slow motion, as for the end i was abit on the confused side, not sure what happened there, it just sorta stops there, you should express that abit better so its not so confusing, but as far as i can tell from your animation it was a pretty decent animation with some good animation, the end was just abit on the confusing side, anyways good luck next time, hope to see more from you soon.

the ending needs abit more understanding on the story part, also you could have more blood in the flash

Entertaining some good madness in here


Way too short

Ok well tha was way too short in my opinion, and the random "JPEGS" was kinda silly, but all in all it was entertaining, so maybe instead of the jpegs you could ad some sorta art characters and so on? its an idea that may improve on this even if it takes abit longer to work on it, good luck though

Find ways to add more humor, maybe more funnier jpegs, but something needs to be done, more art style stuff as i suggested above, good luck on that

its very short may give you a random giggle


Too short

Ok so this was over before it started, dont get me wrong it was Amusing and funny like with the wacky characters and random jepegs, i honestly think there was more effort in the text credits at the start, then the middle of the film, and on that note it was very short aswell, now with all that said it does need some fixes and chabges, lets start with the start of it it just started right off no play button or anything, So ad a menu screen with an actual play button so that i could catch the fun from the start, yes i know theres a replay button but it would be nicer that way, you need to ad more content, something with more of a story and such, not just random quckness but thats ok also, You did a fantastic job on the credits, i think that was pretty impressive if you ask me, Now even with that said i also thought it was too "FAST" so slow it down abit introduce some sorta story with new scenes and backrounds, along with new and wacky characters.

Make it so there is a "PLAY" button along with some sorta menu screen, dont let it just start off automaticly, you may also want much more content, and slow down the action just a tad

amusing but far too fast and short, needs some changes and upgrades


Great pico day entry

This was pretty neat i thought, the song with MJ was very impressive and a good idea i thought the music was a perfect fit for what was going on, It was nice to see this on pico day there was alot of entertaining animations on this day but this was one of my faves for this day so really nice job on bringing this to us on pico day, The animation was pretty smooth and seemed to just flow along especially with the great song that you chose, I did however think it could have had more content and a much more ending with some sorta climax but anyways them are just a few ideas that would really spruce this up and give it a much better presentation in my opinion i thought. the ending was pretty good i just thought it could have had a better and more explosive ending, well nice job great pico day entry.

A few ideas would be some more content, aslo some better ending

great pico day 2010 entry


Needs to be toned down abit

Hmm ok well this is notbad i thought, it starts off with some white screen?? then pops to the menu page could be my machine but its pretty good on big files, so im thinking an improved preloader or something, i like that you used alot of bright color and differant image icons on the menue that made it look interesting, and nifty if i say so myself. LOL ok as i change the chanel on the t v it seems that i run into alot of bazaar and strange scenes like the one with the homer scene hehe, its not bad but i think you should use some more censors of some type, like you did with the "DONALD DUCK" on the menu screen, but for the most part the changing of the channels was kinda neat you gave it some interactivity that way, so nice job there and also nice job on the, art likeness of the famus characters aswell, so all in all its abit much on visuals but but you gave it some humor so i liked it.

I would tone down the nudity stuff or put some censor bars

A funny interactive flash


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