Cute and Amusing
This is one of the most Entertaining flash entries I have come across in awhile. It mostly works so well because you are just inspired so much to keep it going and going. and its an interesting movie style aswell, There's tons of nifty things going on in this one. and thats what makes it nifty. This was pretty Advanced if you ask me. One of the voices in there sounds like "KERMIT-THE-FROG" maybe its just me lol, anyways cute little musical flash you have here with some decent animation. And so with all that said this was a good toon, nice content some good entertainment value to this, and while this review is comming to an end i still did enjoy your work here and look forward to seeing more of it in the future, so my last words here would be, keep Producing these awsome flash-works and keep people enjoying them.
And so here we are again looking for some improvment points, to be honest this was pretty good, so if I do find any lacking points, it wont be too much as the flash was pretty ok on its own, but with alot of flash there is always something. Would love to see more effort on the "BACK ROUNDS" as there are a tad bland.