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Cute toon

So you get the credit here for creating a fun and different kind of movie such as you have done here with this one today, so props to you on that. I have not seen these before but you really made something colorfull and cute here, Great job on winning some awards thats always a nice touch and shows that the fans, users and viewers really enjoyed it as i did so congrats on that. I like the whole "CREATION" idea here a good toon if you ask me very welldone stuff and cute lil animations, most of all I love the use of color here. So thank you for a nice movie etry here today you give us some nice effort and the work shows off well and not everyone can present that like you have done here.

So as a small improvment would love to see more characters here and there even some stuff in the distant backround maybe to show a world back there of some sorts.



Now This was funny and brings back old times of when newgrounds had some funny stuff like this one, so props to you on the "HUMOR" on this one and getting a small joke across, I do think you could have gone a little more in animation with other scenes and stretch it out longer but it was entertaining enough.

I do think you could have gone a little more in animation with other scenes and stretch it out longer


Entertaining enough

So while this was a short little animation and you can ad to that later this was still funny, I can see you advancing onto this maybe other shorts along with this like other jumps or mishaps that the guy trys to do or something along them lines, but nice little short and decent animation.

Nice short here, A short animation you have here, maybe abit too short I would say to improve on the flash as a whole either make this one longer with much more content or, add more shorts in here such as about 3-5 short short animatins that way it doesnt seem like a waste of one flash space and also you get more viewing for alot of your work instead of just one piece, try it out.


Very Amusing

Haha this was funny and very amusing I like how you bring in a lot of the different characters though, very funny moments, and The different music was great maybe adding some "SUBTITLES" would be a good addition here, and not sure why this is not a larger view screen but it was funny.

Larger screen, and some subtitles would be nice.


Wow lol

So here was some good enjoyment and you made it so it was a good entry here and nice find on the portal here so nice submission. Haha this really went a different way then I was expecting but you pulled it off just right so great job on the joke the animation was good, your little characters that made this all up was notbad either, as for what can make this better im sure a lil more adventure but maybe that can be done in future episodes, but you do have an idea here and hope the series does work out well. You did what a lot cant do and bring fourth a nice flash entry with all the right elements, So a really good find of a flash submission.

more adventure and maybe more interactivity with the other characters.


carlitozg responds:

Hey man, thanks a lot. I'm really glad that you liked it and yes in future episodes will be more characters. Here I just wanted to introduce main character of the cartoon in this short animation. :D


Well here was an animation that kept my interest there was somewhat of a story and plot, the "DINOS" are cool there skin could use more texture though, it was all pretty good though I like the story more here, this could use much more "MUSIC" and "SOUND/FX" Also the "SUBTITLES" could use a black bar behind it so the font can be read better, anyways nice work here good little story.

Some improved subtitles, some more texture on the dinos, and more music and sound/fx



Well that was pretty amusing it was kind of on the short side but I can understand that with the "SIZE" it takes to build these kinds of flash entries, but you made a funny lil animation and it didnt end to well for the clay would love to see more of these maybe a tad bit longer though.

Some slightly longer animations would be nice maybe some dialog and subtitles and whatnot.



So you have a pretty nifty of a movie here not always the best of how things play out but you made it entertaining and thats what pulled me into this one. Well I will say this was very short but most probably your intent with this one and as I mention in a few reviews now and then you can bunch up a lot of small flash movies together and have them play one after another for a more longer and more quality of that flash entry, thats just an idea to think about. And so thats that a nifty little flick you have presented us with, nothing too fancy but still good enough from start to finish.

you can bunch up a lot of small flash movies together and have them play one after another for a more longer and more quality of that flash entry, thats just an idea to think about.


Lovely Movie

And here was something really special of a movie really great use of color and you gave this some great humor, I think you can ad some subtitles, but anyways nice animation smooth and the "VOICES" were pretty cool the story itself was pretty entertaining and you put some effort in here so nice job there. You have something good here, allthough it does need abit more, but really overall it was pretty balanced just needed abit more stuff, as stated already, so great work here keep making more flash as these are pretty good and lots of fun. Ienjoyed this for alot of differant stuff and in the end it was pretty decent, so nice effort here keep up the fantastoc work.

Maybe, some subtitles, voices were clear and sharp but subtitles are a nice option for viewers.


TylerBasham responds:

Thank you very much for the compliments and what I should improve on! I'll take both into consideration! Thank you very much


well it was short and to the point I do like the small animation and the music was notbad but still very short and not much meaning to it but it was an animation none the less and thats how I review it, the effort was there but could have had a bit more effort.

some more effort in some sort of plot and story.


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