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((( OK )))

Whoa that was kind of different, but it was good to watch, i like the one part where you animated the guy spinning around that was really well done, and i also liked how you made this go to your music. The animations are nice you have a really original style, i enjoyed watching this...


((( HEH )))

Interesting idea you had here, i like the way you made it seem all sweet, and then made it go into this horror thing, i also like the way you make your characters talk, and the style you have for them. The animations were good, and you did a nice job with animating fight scenes, and making it go to the music...


ScreamingAlpha responds:

Thanks. Put a lot of effort into it so people would enjoy it.

((( ROFFL )))

Oh man this was a really funny flash, i like how you had this idea to have the text start attack everyone in space haha, i also like the way you animated the text to be just like it was in the movies. The animations are really nice, and i like the amount of effort, and detail you have put into this. The music, and voices were really clear, and it sounded really nice, this is a really cool animation...


((( WHOA )))

Well it isnt a flash animation, but it is a good video movie, i like the way you made this more serious, and got into character for it. The actors in this are nice, and i liked the amount of effort you all put into this. The effects were good, and you did a pretty nice job on making this video...


((( HEH )))

This is ok, but it needed more animations to it, i like the humor in this, and the way you places a voice box over a person as they talk...

Maybe next time you could add some more movements to this, and maybe put some subtitles because it was hard to hear at times, but it was still ok to watch...


((( OK )))

Hmm it is ok so far, i like animations in this the most you are good are drawing some original characters. The idea here you have is good, and i like what i have seen so far, you are good at animating, and the music you have to go with this is good too...

Maybe next time you could add some voices, but it is nice so far...


DossMan01 responds:

thank you

and I will keep that in mind

((( DECENT )))

This was interesting, i like how it ended the most, and the way you draw your characters is original, and i liked the style they had. The backgrounds could use some work, maybe instead of a picture you could draw your own, but what you have here is still nice, and the animations were good...


pjdavid responds:

yea, i agree about the background. i just did that becasue i wanted to get this thing done. thanks for the constructive critism.

((( IT WAS OK )))

O.0 Ummm that was different, i like the way you draw your characters, and the song was a bit funny at times, but kind of odd. The animations in this is ok, but it could have used some more detail, maybe next time you could add more to this, but your doing a good job animating so far...


((( OK )))

Well this is a good second part to the first, i like the way you have your fights in this one, and how much more things they do to fight is in this like the lightning that killed that Akuma. The way you animated your sprites was good, and i also liked the how clear the sprites are, you put good effort into this...


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Age 51, Male


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