
20,788 Movie Reviews

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562 reviews are hidden due to your filters.

((( ODD )))

Well this was a bit odd to see a frog fighting over flys with a lizard thing, i like how you animated the tounge scenes, and how you have drawn all the characters in this. The flys looked really good, and your animation was really well detailed. The music was good too, and i liked the way they got their tounges stuck in the end...


((( OK )))

Well this is a good stick fight movie, i like the way you animated the fight scenes, and how well the music and fights went together. The music is ok, and went good with the animation. The animations are smooth, and you have put a lot of good effort into making this...


((( ROFFL )))

Haha, this is some funny stuff you have here, i like the way you have a funny warning label at the start, and how crazy these main characters are. The humor in this is really nice, and i like the story you have made for this episode. The animations are clear, and well detailed, and i liked watching this very much indeed...


((( GOOD )))

This was a good animation, i like the way captain heroic captured the bad guy by luck, and how the bad guy wanted to go to prison in the end heh, i also liked the way you did your effect in this, and the amount of effort you put into this animation. The sound, and music was good. The animations were good, and i enjoyed the episode very much...


((( CUTE )))

Hmm this was a nice song, and the whole thing with the couple cuddling was kind of cute heh, i liked the way you animated the animations to the song like a music video...

Maybe next time you could add more detail to the drawings, and more scenes with the couple, but the idea here is pretty good, and i enjoyed watching it very much indeed...


((( OK )))

It was ok, i liked the character you created, and how you have drawn them like hands was very original. The music was ok, but got a bit annoying since it kept reapeting, but it was still ok to listen to, and went good with this animation, its a good job so far...



Hmm it was an interesting animation, i like how that little white blob would talk to the flower like it was his friend, and how the flower acts back to him was kinda funny heh, i also liked the simple music in the background, and its cool you did the music yourself. The animation is nice, and clear, it was nice...


Jayarr responds:

I performed that song with the lead pianist from the rpo. actually i DIDNt play the piano but if you listen to the whole song int he portal im beatbozing...

((( ROFFL )))

This is a really good animated commercial for NG tanks, i like how you put lots of good humor into this, and the things that come out of the tank are really funny. The animations were nice, and the sound went well with this, but could have been a bit clear, but it was still good to watch...


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