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((( WHOA )))

This is a really great trailor for your upcoming series, i liked the way you set everything in this up, and how detailed it all was it looked just like an actual cartoon on tv, and the sound was very clear. The animations were drawn really nice, and your style is very cool indeed...

Keep up the good work...


Brand-new-hero responds:

thanks buddy! i have to admit that the sound is something i am desperately tryin to work on but i hope i crack it before it comes to recording voices - u can see the problems i had in the interview toon i did. Thanks for your words i'm pleased you enjoyed it. Hopefully you'll enjoy the main features just as much!

((( NEAT )))

This was an interesting animation, i liked how you animated the Street Fighter characters to the story, and how well you animated the fight scenes. The sprites were good, and i liked the story you made for this. The music was good too. This is a neat animation so far, and i hope to see part 2 soon...


((( HAHA )))

Oh man that was a funny animation, i loved the way you made this commercial about different tasting toothpast that was really funny to watch. The animations were simple, but looked good. The sound was ok, but the voice didnt match up to the guys mouth at times, but it still looked pretty good...


((( OK )))

Hmm pretty decent, i liked the bunny character things you had in this. The animations in this were pretty good, and i like the detail in the bunny things, i also liked how you made it really interactive in this animation. The music was ok, and goes nice with this. The ending was a bit weird, but funny, it was ok...


((( AWESOME )))

Wow this is great, i liked how you had the options to pick the Jedi or Sith side of the force, and all the different animations you had in this was really nice, i also liked how you would introduce the animator with a lightsaber swinging by the text. The animations for each person was really nice, and detailed. This was a really nice collab you all put together...


((( HEH )))

Well this was a pretty funny animation, i liked the way you made fun of a lot of things, and my favorite part was when he made his mission list. The animations were nice, and detailed, i liked the effort you put into them. The music, and sound is ok, and i enjoyed watching this very much indeed...


((( NICE )))

Well it is an interesting story, i liked the humor you had in this now, and then. The animations are really well done, and i liked your style. The sounds, and music was really clear, i liked how much effort you have put into this, and all the good detail this has the end was a bit odd, but it was a good animation...


Sexual-Lobster responds:

thanks alot!

((( GOOD )))

This was a bit short, but it was good for a trailer, i liked the detail you put into this, and the way you have the test shinning like that. The ratings at the start were cool to have, and made it look more detailed. The music was really well done, and very clear. This was a good animation, and i hope to see the real movie soon...


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