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Very deep

So this was pretty "INTENSE" you have some really intense work here, the whole "ZELDA" theme is pretty impressive, the voices are nice and glad you had some subtitles, you have a great film here and there is no need for any changes at all, so keep up the great work.

you have a great film here and there is no need for any changes at all


The Talents of Sergio

Very nice with this one you really had "SERGIO" venture out into toon city you should do more episodes like that one, anyways, And here we are with the talents of sergio and ofcourse all the extra cast members that come alive with each episode and all the adventures, you really do make a good series here and all the talent shows so I for one want to thank you for all the effort you put fourth in this.

You had venture out into toon city you should do more episodes like that one



So this was notbad, "FALCONS" entry was pretty good and random still need more clips and videos though, Something great about these, always there is something funny and amusing about these films and thats what I came to enjoy, I love the random "FACTOR" you put in these it may not be one film or two but all together as a whole make these very entertaining and theres so much to see and enjoy.

good and random still need more clips and videos though



I dont know but that one made me "CHUCKLE" lol it was rather "SHORT" but still pretty funny I thaught, so nice work here wish it was longer seems like you could have taken it into some different scenes where they get back at eachother in different moments but you have a swell funny movie here.

wish it was longer seems like you could have taken it into some different scenes where they get back at eachother in different moments


Haha nice

So this was nice I play me some "MINDCRAFT" when I have time, but have to say that you did very well I even liked this submission very nice mindcraft related lol, great art and characters, and nice awards won for this entry well deserved, you should make a series with mindcraft related just like you have done here, anyways nice work.

you should make a series with mindcraft related just like you have done here


More great view points

A "RE-CAP" of the season and the "40TH" episode, a great show besides the sound going in and out I still enjoy these, So more great view points of sergio and all that you and sergio ofcourse bring to this episode, Its always a delight to see what comes up next in this series of sergio and "CAST-MEMBERS" I know theres a few things that could be "POLISHED" but for the most of this you have a decent series and it shows off well.

a great show besides the sound going in and out I still enjoy these


An amaizing creation

Well besides all the sound "ISSUES" this was pretty good sergio always brings in the jokes and laughs, Only adbice I would suggest this time is one I suggest alot some subtitles would be nice, An amaizing creation with sergio and his studio of cast members and its nice to see sergio go on a "FEW-ADVENTURES" now and then, I really like what you have done here with how "SERGIO-DIRECTS-THE-ACTION" and such, Some small changes are needed but as always this is a fun series and I have enjoyed every bit of every one.

Only adbice I would suggest this time is one I suggest alot some subtitles would be nice


Nice again

Season "FIVE" seems to be the season with only "ONE" clip each so my advice here is ad more depth to the one or ad more clips to go with the submission, Props to you on a brillinat submission of daily toons I sure do miss these when they came out everyday, those were the days of fun filled random content from random artists and made for a "PIVITAL" change in grouped animations from that point so in my opinion you guys are the true creators of collabs.

so my advice here is ad more depth to the one or ad more clips to go with the submission



These are so random here, I like these "PONINJAS" cant believe I missed watching some of these back in the day just wish you had made these longer or added more short vids with the one submission, but you have some nice battles here on this one keep up the good work.

just wish you had made these longer or added more short vids with the one submission


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