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Another fantastic entry

Season five "INTRO" was the best in my opinion more clips on this particualr one would have been better though, Very nice films you have here, very amusing, you have put together with some nice elements some humor and random style it seemed to have come together very good, these daily toons always give me a few chuckles and such, you bring some really random stuff to the big screen.

more clips on this particualr one would have been better though



I forgot how "CUTE" these "PONINJAS" are haha and this was pretty entertaining and really good but the lacking side of this all is that this was pretty short so my advice here is that you could make this longer maybe ad a few more frames to this or something along them lines it was a funny film though.

the lacking side of this all is that this was pretty short so my advice here is that you could make this longer maybe ad a few more frames to this or something along them lines


Good Idea

I like the idea of the im a pc and mac lol, the other one just "FORMING" a word didnt have much to it, So my advice is to make these with a tad more depth to them, The idea of this theme is pretty good and I like what different people have to offer in these flicks, the random factor plays a big role in these and they make me chuckle and thats really the point here to make daily toons with some good humor and thats just what you have done here.

So my advice is to make these with a tad more depth to them


Cute movie

Well this was a small cute "MOVIE" here the old "SOUTH-PARK" moths thats pretty nifty and classic so nice job here, it was a strange story here but was still pretty enetertaining and I enjoyed it very much, the art and characters are pretty nifty make more sometime.

No changes here


Nice work

This was pretty good, the "EFFECTS" were really nice and some of the art here was pretty amazing so this is pretty solid work and I like your style here, More animated elements would have been cool, but other then that this was pretty cool stuff, make more sometime.

More animated elements would have been cool


Nice work

There was still some sound issues but regardless you have still presented some great epeisodes and this one being the one hundreth and fityith is pretty awsome, I would look into the sound issues or ad some subtitles, These fun activities he tends to do may it be an old grandma or the sister or his friends they all make this show great, Sergio and you the creator always have some fun ideas for the show and while it doesnt change too much you still bring some adventure and make the story a "FUN-FILLED" one.

I would look into the sound issues or ad some subtitles



very nice work here, I love the characters here mario and luigi who doesnt they are always a blast, you have some nice dialog here Some subtitles would really work well with these, great artwork here on luigi and mario, I had fun reviewing this one, hope you make more soon.

you have some nice dialog here Some subtitles would really work well with these


Cool beans

I love the new intro but still think that some subtitles would be a nice feature here, This was once again another great entry with the sergio cast and all the adventure he takes us on, you bring some great humor here as you do in all your episodes and glad you still make one or two so nice job this one was pretty amusing and I got some chuckles from this one.

I love the new intro but still think that some subtitles would be a nice feature here


Great stuff

Only one entry this time it was a long one so notbad, but would love more then just one or two, Great stuff here, at the end of the day they made us all chuckle and laugh, and thats all we can ask for at the end of one of these, thats why I wish you guys still made these, but anyways nice animations here I love the randoness of each and everyone as they gave me a chukle indeed.

Only one entry this time it was a long one so notbad, but would love more then just one or two


Really amazing

This was some amazing animations and great character "DETAIL" You should make more stuff like this its pretty good work, There is a bright outlook of film-works from you. and it shows off in this entry so nice efforts there, Your Creative skills do come alive on this one and again the efforts do prove to show the labors of your efforts. But anyways i would love to see some Follow-UP detail work on this aswell, but for the mostpart you have made a good flash here.

You should make more stuff like this its pretty good work


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