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((( STRANGE )))

Another strange sprite flash haha, the ausio was ok and so were the sprites, just was odd hearing what was being said from the cute girl sprite, some cool space effects though, and kinda random in some places notbad though....


DYNAKYRIS responds:

Shock value for the win. ;]

Aesthetically, I think I could've done a bit more to make the environment a bit spacier. At some point I stop believing that the background has anything to do with a destroyed mothership, and that the grey debris in front of it was NOT an asteroid belt.

I just ran out of patience, is why I didn't include the other random debris floating by, like gears, shrapnel, other ship parts, and underwear...

Thanks for watching.

((( HMMM OK )))

Haha ok this was abit strange, i do have to admit that the character design was abit plain and could use more effeort like not so sloppy in the outlines and better colors maybe some shades and stuff, the voices were good and seem to fit the characters, as for the story abit confusing and somewhat bazar but ok i supose....


((( HAHA )))

Haha that was funny, abit short but funny, could have some better stunts, and more visual since hogan was off the camera alot but it was neat, maybe some flash effects aswell, but it was cool, anyways make more like this these are always cool to see....


((( AWSOME )))

Wow that was intense, the options of the characters and 1 and 2 vs player was awsome, great options for the game, and really awsome characters, just like mortal combat, could use some upgrading like more effects and whatnot but props to you on this great game....


((( HAHA )))

Haha that was cool, a good little advertisment of some sorta cereal or something yummy or not haha, not but really good art like the characters, there was abit to much use of the color yellow though, the voices was funny like when talking fast, anyways it gave me a few chuckles so notbad, keep up the decent work....


((( DECENT )))

OK notnad, but seemed abit slow on the visual, could just be my 56k, also a propper menu page might be an improvement, almost seemed like there was no preloader, anyways after the long download, it was ok kinda funny, so notbad at all...


((( WOW )))

Wow very impressed, and on about a 2.5 mg aswell so notbad at all, the artwork was most impressive, and the content was amazing, not sure why i didnt see this one before but am glad i saw it today, its great work which shows your skills, and even an award well deserved, so way to go, and hope to see more of your great skills soon...


((( FUNNY )))

This was funny, and alot of flash like this normaly is but this one was interesting and had a sick feel to it but also made it interesting, probably not for everyone but was still ok in my books, you may want to lower your filesize though, it was slowing down my pc just abit, and since i use 56k it takes longer to load, just something to think about...


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Age 51, Male


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