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((( DECENT )))

Cool, this was the sorta flash that keeps one interested mainly the story, it was appealing and very entertaining, even had some funny moments, as for the rest well it needs more effort, like the graphics, more detail not just shading but small elements that make it standout, it would greatly improve on the flash, anyways keep up the work, hope to see more soon...


((( VERY GOOD )))

This was very good but also very short, i like the detail and it shows much effort and time put into it, just wish it was abit longer, and maybe the filesize could be abit better, but overall i was impressed, and well entertained...


((( WHAA )))

OK this was very good, thats why all the high marks, but it ended very short and i was getting into it, great music great visuals great story to start off with, but just ended, its a trailer yes but also in trailers you should show what to expect in the series like many different scenes many moments that will keep the viewer interested and wanting more, anyways its a decent start, hope to see more soon...


Nendai responds:

thank you for the review, I actually am hard at work on making a story and series out of this and will be coming out with the first of them within a month or two.

((( DECENT )))

Hmmm notbad for a clock flash, lots of good meaningfull moments hehe with the slow motion and all, some really great scenes and all, making it for one of the better clock flash i have seen in sometime, so nice work indeed, maybe some subtitles and voice overs like a nariator for a better effect, overall it was neat and entertaining...


((( CUTE )))

Haha ok this was cute and with a funny intro, allthough i would like to see the characters improve somehow, they are funny but could be better, nice music btw, it was fitting for the content, the flash also gets abit random aswell, but still gives me a few chuckles hehe, anyways nice job...


((( COOL MUSIC )))

Notbad animating, FBF is always cool, but the problem with ff is that its always in B&W Maybe add some color now and then just for a better effect, and cant hurt either, anyways good music it made the flash alot better...


((( OK )))

Ok that was short, funny but short, the artwork was awsome though and eventhough it tookplace on one scene it was still funny, maybe abit more content next time, and maybe a credits screen or something, but most of great artwork on the character...


Sir-CannabisClock responds:

thanks, I put minimal effort into it I was really just playing around with flash.


Wow this was great really loved how the characters were very welldone and lots of detail then there was the voices awsome, making the characters come to live with great humor, and really nice touch at the end with the refer to a friend haha, anyways nice job, i was very impressed with it from start to finish...


((( HAHA )))

I love these with realy figures dont see tomany of these anymore, but they are cool, and i must commend you on a nice job here with realistic sounding voices, and a good fight scenes, maybe make more, these are unique and funny, so nice job....


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