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((( INTRO? )))

Hmmm interesting its fun and very refreshing with the music, but an intro should have a smal portion of the upcoming seies, and this just showed characters, notbad but could be better and show much more for a intro, good characters, funny music and overall pleasent so notad, hope to see more soon...


((( ARTISTIC )))

This was very good and very artistic, just abit short though, but still very neat to see, maybe make it longer, the music was awsome and flowed very well for the flash, i love the motion and the effects of it all truly a work of art, so nice work indeed...


((( COOL 3d )))

The 3d stuff was very cool, but you could have added some color on the props, it can be done as i have done it before, and it really didnt make much sense the flash maye some sorta story added, and sutitles would work well with 3d since it does take up file size, anyways notad, keep up the good work...


((( HEH )))

Ok well not sure what that was but what was good was, was the design of the bbots, and there was no backrounds so adding some color or backrounds would have been a nice touch, and making it longer aswell as more plot and not so pointless, you have something here with the two bots but there needs to be a story and somewhat, anyways nice but short...


Llamalord responds:

lol thanks, unfortunatly, i can no long remake any of my old cartoons, due to some little script kiddy screwing up my pc, lost 12 unreleased cartoons including chav man ep 2 and the tetris extreme movie trailer :(


This was neat with some good action, and the characters are very welldone, with great animating all around, only issue i found with this was that alot of the backrounds were blank with just white backdrops, and if you did add some it would have been better for the overall quality and score of the flash, but it was still good work with the characters and all, so notbad at all, hope to see more soon...


((( HAHA )))

Well first off i would like to suggest that if your going to animate something even just talking that to use more the 2 different views like you could move the body now and then, and now on the political content, moor is an idiot, its funny because there is always some moron challenging the pres and doesnt matter which pres in office it is there are just people that have there own opinions and feel they must be heard and feel they are just right, when in reality they have no clue what its like and with faced with the same situation they would do the same as any president in office...


((( NOTAD )))

Haha i do know what you mean though, that clocks are simple and nothing original about them another reason why many artists do them because they are simple and take no skill, and they use a voice program aswell haha, anyways i liked the mock, nice job...


((( HAHA )))

OMG this was awsome man this should be on the bbs like before everyone gets to post there first post and all haha god it was funny, and its perfectly voiced giving it that old style feel, but more importantly very funny and making for great humor so notad at all, keep up the great work...


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