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((( UNIQUE )))

This was neat, it has a very old feel to it, i think thats what you were going for sorta, and along with the music it seemed to fit and flow all together, very cute like aswell, it was entertaining and the black and white was cute, so notbad, anyways good job on this keep it up...


((( DECENT )))

This was cute, and entertaining decent, the sprites were neat looking, and very cute like, as for the story it was ok, the text boxes helped to keep along but what might make this flash better is some voice-dialogs from the characters to give it a better outcome, anyways nice flash and sorta funny...


((( FUNNY )))

Short but funny and to the point, good to see all the fresh and bright colors, but this was short there could have been more like how the circle like character goes off looking in other stuff and getting blown up and stuff, could make for a cute little series, anyways nice job...


((( WOW )))

Testicl in moon dust hahah damn that was funny, and props to you on some amazing artwork, aswell as some funny humor, some of the best on the grounds if i say so myself, the hitler like kid in the walker was great haha, all the characters have real character to them and thats what makes the flash veru entertaining, and artworl like backrounds was great stuff, also little effects here and there like the passing space shuttle also another great touch, anyways great job all around...


((( SHORT )))

OK that was really short and is confusing, maybe give a sorta intro at the begining like who what where and when???? the artwork is great, just needs more plot detail and better depth of the story, aswell as it could be longer, nit a bad start, also the view window was way to large, larger windows do tend to lag the flash aswell, anyways hope to see more soon...


((( FREAKY )))

Uggg this was just freakky and disturbing, like for instanse the kids legs and joints looks freakish hehe, i like it cause its something different from, what you normaly see on the grounds, but it was ok, as for the fight well notbad and the blood spirts was a nice touch, maybe something different next time human vs Ninja turtke was just strange....


((( DECENT )))

Haha this was cool and loved how you used lots of characters with lots of color and different scenes, the voices could be much better but seemed to fit the part, the artwork was very neat though and the characters well notbad at all, also more animation on the characters limbs would be nice, but overall it was a entertaining flash....


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