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Well this was pretty entertaining for sure the animation and characters are pretty fantastic with a nice style here and you made it entertaining so it was good for me, nice job.

Maybe ad some subtitles



So this was cool kind of interesting it has a sort of 3-D element about it, but was a tad short maybe adding an extra scene or two might be a plus but it was a nice animation here.

could be longer


Invader-wed responds:

Ok I guess

Awsome film

So first off a pretty awsome film you have here the art and graphics are pretty intense, for sure make more stuff like this one, Alright So I was glad to have discovered this one there are a lot of nifty elements that made this one a nifty submission, Its the little details that you showed in here that make this work so well, There is alot of potential within this and I would love to see that excell to higher hights, So I will close out this one now but before I do, This submission yields lots of fun I do hope you keep this kind of submission up.

for sure make more stuff like this one



Funny characters and great expressions love the slapstick style of humor and the animation itself came off well a nice intense moment too so I have no changes for this one as it was pretty entertaining so please do keep entertaining us all with your fantastic films.

so I have no changes for this one as it was pretty entertaining


ChutneyGlaze responds:

i will thanks XwaynecoltX!

Well done

And once again an amazing madness film and there for no changes are needed, You have made it interesting and didnt bore me at all so there is some good in them, And besides you do have a good concept here and has some Potential for even better outcomes so after seeing this a few times I thought it was alright, I had fun with this and while not revolutionary I love the idea of the creative stylish itself, I have been writing this review and come to enjoy this.

once again an amazing madness film and there for no changes are needed



Well that was funny kind of reminds me of content from the grounds back in the day this was a good film and very funny have no changes in mind for this little flick of yours.

none needed it was great


Another amazing film

Well as always no changes really needed here as you really pushed the limits of this one so nice work, And behind the scenes im sure its a hectic process, and alot of us probably dont understand it all that much, But you have shown some interesting ideas here, So for a movie submission this had its good and bad moments for the most part the good out-weighed the bad so it was a movie entry I would recommend to others in an instant It was a simple submission but still enjoyed what you have here.

as always no changes really needed here as you really pushed the limits of this one so nice work


Wow intense

Loving how this starts off and has some really nice dark elements but its a great madness film indeed, You brought out some interesting views and images as well as animation, so good job This was alot of things enticing and was a good discovery, after watching this animation and seeing it all I had to offer my ending notes on this are that I was pleased with it, So decent movie here it had some different elements about it, It turned out to be actually fairly enjoyable.

What can I say its a masterpiece


Really impressed with this one

the lighting effect as she opens the curtains and the subtle elements of glass and rain very intense, as for any changes really cant think of any as you do some solid work and would love to see you make even more to this, Well I am pretty suprised I was glad that this was better then I had expected and I do hope to see more from you this was a good all around solid animation entry, Alright you do have something here I was actually pretty impressed with what you have going on here, I did however think some extras could be added and you could change some things, but overall you have done well on this.

as for any changes really cant think of any as you do some solid work and would love to see you make even more to this


A flick with sticks

First off great music to start this one off, the square in the visual eye of view another fun ideas, as an idea maybe backround color or detail going on maybe even making it longer with some outside the box adventure for the sticks, some really fun viewpoints in this one, as it had some interesting scenes A flick with sticks and cant go wrong with that, so nice job there its always fun finding these old stick flicks would love if people made more of these this was a fun experience of a movie.

as an idea maybe backround color or detail going on maybe even making it longer with some outside the box adventure for the sticks


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