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Very creative

This was a very creative film and the way it was animated came off pretty well and was a nice job here, love the style of art like the dragon and fire scene really nice results on this one, You produce amazing results I hope to see more ideas pushed in the future I think this is an extraordinary entry, I really enjoyed what you have presented here you have a nifty style and it shows well in this submission so please do keep up the amazing film work, I look forward to even more soon.


Very good

I was gonna say the beach scene was nice and pleasent then you take it into an intense action scene great expression son the faces too An amazing submission this was, There was some quality to ths film and it shows, But would love to see this excell even more, but regardless you really showcased this one well, My Ending Remarks on this flick submission are that its a fine flick movie entry, I was pretty glued to the screen so nice job, hope to see more from you soon.



Love the different scenes they get pretty intense too and some nice music here I got lucky with finding this film here today, I hope you have many more great endeavors like this one, So for me this was a great find and and a great discovery in the portal It was wonderfully done, you have some nice talents and it shows off well here.


The-Vlah responds:

Many thanks for the kind words, glad you got a kick out of the cartoon.


This was very cute kind of too short the color on this was amazing and the music was even better a good short toon here, I really enjoyed what you have presented here you have a nifty style and it shows well in this submission, would love to see you make even more on this type.


Nice animation

This was really good the cat was good funny and entertaining, a good little story liked how it jumped from scene to secene, You produce amazing results I hope to see more ideas pushed in the future I think this is an extraordinary entry, anyways nice flick here.


Fun film

This had some good music and flowed well with the animation, would love to see this excell even more, but regardless you really showcased this one well, My Ending Remarks on this flick submission are that its a fine flick, love the color elements too nice work.



The visuals are very nice some really good effects in there too, So for me this was a great find and and a great discovery in the portal It was wonderfully done, the voice work was pretty awsome love the different scenes, The audio was ok but maybe adding some subtitles would be a huge plus not that it needs it but would basicly be a simple and nice feature to have, anyways great film here.



A good pokemon like film you have here, I got lucky with finding this film here today, I hope you have many more great endeavors like this one, the art was notbad some added texture and detail within the characters would be a plus, the story was good, could be a tad longer and even more scenes.



Well you cant go wrong with some death lol, the character is good some good voice work and was notbad could be a tad bit longer but overall was a nice flick, Now here is one of those flash types that could do well from some subtitles now dont get me wrong this does not need subtitles but it would be something extra and nice for the viewer. You are on the mark with this movie flick, so I was glad I had a chance to see this because you really sparked my interest here, And as I write these words I find it even more interesting as the submission continues on, A very good submission you have created.


Creative element

Creative Nice idea here would love to see this get even more popular then it already is, The art and style of it all was pretty good nice square structure wish this one was a tad bit longer, Maybe even showcase day and night on this one, but it was some nice work indeed, And so with all that said this was a good toon nice content some good entertainment value.


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