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So here was a quick clock film but had some good scenes going on lots of clocks and clock artists in this aswell you really have made it a fun and interesting one, I have no changes in mind for this one.

none as stated


A grand stick adventure

Wow nice the view shots on this are intense you really know how to make an intense stick flick, my only beef on this is that the play button could use more of click target or larger click point, you have some good ideas that you have presented here infact I call it A grand stick adventure of a flick with lots to see and the visuals while not perfect still very enjoyble and some intense moments that made this one all that much better.

my only beef on this is that the play button could use more of click target or larger click point


Cant go wrong with some sticks

Probably one of my most fave tetris/stick crossovers, really amazing, some added color effects would really be nice, these movies bring Stick characters at there best and some very nice visuals on top of that so really nice stick film here, and you Cant go wrong with some sticks and all the adventure they bring onto the big screen so really nice entry here make more sometime.

some added color effects would really be nice


A nice adventure here

The dark element of this film is pretty nice really good feel and energy, for sure make more of these, bringing sticks into it is a nice job here, and some good stick adventure you have shown here some really nice action and fun, This was a pretty fun adventure and great film with some nice stick adventure you have some good ideas and bring it fourth

for sure make more of these



Well I do like me some clay this one was not the strangest of films out there but I did find it to be interesting wish it was a tad longer maybe some different camera scenes and whatnot but overall this was an interesting film you have here keep the good work up.

none really but do make more


BlackAnimation responds:

Thank you . It’s very helpful

Nice stick movie element here

Now this was a quality stick film that you have here, love what you did with the opening scene and all the sticks the music played a good role too so nice job there, really nice stick film here, and you Cant go wrong with some sticks and all the adventure they bring onto the big screen you bring some Nice stick movie element here, there is even some added story element here, I like the visuals most of all keep making entertaining stuff.

Onlything was it was somewaht short


Love it

Love how you start it off then go into some action, just wish this was longer maybe a few added scenes and what not, but the fluffy cute characters are cute, I thought this animation movie entry was kinda neat and had some positive points and so on, Now dont get me wrong this is actually a good discovery Just need to tweak some things here and there, So seems like there was some time and effort put into this, I am generally not a fan of these types movies but it had some un-expected movie fun and some nice visuals.

wish this was longer maybe a few added scenes and what not


A fantastic and wild entry

Kind of like a music video with that first starting one lol, fun stuff movies are always a joy as they give off some nice entertaining value, A fantastic and wild entry that you have created here, some really nifty ideas come alive in this film love the style and ofcourse the entertaining value of it all, anyways nice work.

none needed its great as is


Some fun stuff here

The family guys voice lol nice, maybe ad some subtitles? I love the randomness of these movies and they bring on some good chuckles here so really nice stuff very amusing and entertaining, I really love how you have elevated the humor in this one and made it a great experience in humor and reviewing this one.

maybe ad some subtitles?


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