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Nice animation

So you really went beyond with this one, the action scene was great but have to say the ending of it all was even better that humor is gold in my opinion, but anyways great stuff here.

none needed


Very nice

Now this was cool its very 3-D so nice job would have loved some subtitles on this, I suppose there is alot that could be made better but overall I enjoyed it anyways you have some good material here hope the rest of your endeavors prove to be as good, this interesting yet mystery of a film you have here, You have alot going on here some stuff I was not on par with but its how it was presented and you have done a fantastic job on this submission.

would have loved some subtitles on this



So this one was pretty entertaining love the lil characters you may wanna think about adding some added subtitles, but besides all that this was pretty entertaining of an animated film.

maybe some subtitles


I like it

A nice character some nice animation too Maybe some added subtitles would be a nice option or feature, There was some nice attention to detail here and it was a refreshing submission, So you keep up the good work a nice entry of a submission you have presented, An entertaining submission here I like the content you got going on with this one its pretty interesting and while its not the most perfectioned film around I still think it is pretty interesting and a good find for me today.

Maybe some added subtitles would be a nice option or feature



Some amusing elements and even on some limited color but seemed to work and the music made it work even better OK first off decent movie you have here there was some nifty points in it maybe later more clarification on some confused parts I had but then again maybe not as it was a funny moment, I did think there could have been some better ways about things but it was your vision and thats what I like about it, But I still must say you oudid yourself with this And you sure do know how to produce some interesting submissions here and this one was pretty nifty but anyways great stuff as always.

Entertaining enough and artistic in its own way that it doesnt need changes



Well have to say that this was entertaining for sure and you cant go wrong with some clowns haha, the music was nice and it was all on point really fun video you have here I think you could make a theme of videos with this style of clown, anyways great stuff.

I think you could make a theme of videos with this style of clown



so this was kind of cute and kind of reminds me of the old style toons the voices were pretty good too you have some nice ideas with this one and the animation itself was notbad at all, great lil story you have created here, anyways great stuff make more like this.

none needed



So this was kind of like a music video and trippy love all the random stuff and color, my only advice is make more I am glad to have seen this and hope to see more and hope you keep making much more like this, Quite frankly this was pretty good I thought it was wonderfully presented, And once again I must say that was a pretty good entry something differant, I would like to take this time and say that this was a decent submission entry and you have done alot to bring the fun and entertaining value to the table so props to you for that.

my only advice is make more



Well this was entertaining, So I was thinking as a suggestion of improvment you could add some subtitles, while itmay not exactly need it or it may but the thing is its a nice feature maybe it can even be something that users can toggle on and off. You really bring out the detail and nifty elements on the screen so nice job on this one and good effort here, And its sad that im comming close to the end of this review because I really liked what you had to offer here, I would call this cutting edge and ritzy, you have turbo charged it to full throttle and thats what I liked about this among other things ofcourse very nifty creations here.

So I was thinking as a suggestion of improvment you could add some subtitles, while itmay not exactly need it or it may but the thing is its a nice feature maybe it can even be something that users can toggle on and off.


Kolumbo responds:

Thank you!

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