
20,788 Movie Reviews

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Very nice

Well as always you have some great characters and this makes for an amazing episode wish it was longer and with a few more scenes maybe some added action moments too, this one was pretty funny, This was a decent movie entry and hope to see more of what you have in store for us, but as for this submission of a movie you really pushed all the limits and braught os some nice visuals that make this pretty brilliant so awsome job indeed, Love these films always entertaining.



This was an intense film especially for the art and art texture details, the animation was nice but would have loved even more scenes maybe some added action scenes, this was a fantastic film submission, This one has a silver line and basicly that means that you made something decent and added some good shine aswell, Anyways great stuff.


Funny stuff

Based off of one of my all time fave shows you really made it look good wish it was a tad longer it was well animated nice character work too, it was even a pleasent experience to review this I endorse this interesting submission So here in the end you have shined up the edges and made this shine with some flavor, Anyways nice film.


Very good

You hit all the great moments with this film And This has a great idea behind it maybe even a cutting edge feel about it like the deep texture and art, love the rain effect too, This was ok but it wouldnt hurt to add some subtitles, not because anything was hard to hear or anything but because its just something extra that would make this abit better to understand and its like a nice little feature.


This was nice

I love this as it was kind of like a tutorial of types allthough more tips would have been nice in this but you do showcase the animation well love the black and white and that you added a twist of color in there, good sound effects too, Anyways nice film here


Fun film

Great character here This would be much improved with some subtitles it would help for others to understand abit more as sometimes its hard to understand whats being said, not a real big deal, but its nice to have subtitles as a feature, you have a really nice animation and love this character.



So I must say you have some nice work here I love the detail and shading in the art like the big rock and character too you made this to be pretty funny and animation flowed well, My choice of the day is this submission of a movie, in an interesting entry, And I can only hope you make other nifty movies stuff such as this one here.



First off some nice color some nice random elements, and wild, The audio was ok but maybe adding some subtitles would be a huge plus not that it needs it but would basicly be a simple and nice feature to have this was a great entry with some really nifty elements and great visuals I like the style you have created here, a good film indeed.


Nice animation

So there is some amazing animation on this one, especially as they do there spinning just some nice flow of animation to make it look so smooth, character work was good too, This was a decent movie entry and hope to see more of what you have in store for us, anyways nice work.



Well your type of movies are always entertaining and with all the randomness is this one you made it look easy but most of all funny and entertaining, this submission of a movie you really pushed all the limits and braught os some nice visuals that make this pretty brilliant so awsome job indeed, anyways nice work on this one.


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