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A nice start of this it is a nice lil thank you video the character was good nice form and sexy, The film was not too long but you do make it with some quality and thats all that probably really matters As I end this review would have been cool with more scenes and such but overall was pretty good stuff so nice job


Nice Element

After all these years its always fun to come back and checkout the depth of the story and you had lots of these and that makes it even better, Nice view point of different sprite action and make for a good movie along with some nice story to go with so nice job, You have a nice way with some sprites and make the action seem like an "ACTION-FLICK" the characters and other sprite pieces make this to be one fun film.

Cant go wrong with a flick submission like this, There could be some small changes like removing the next buttion and let it flow like a movie, but overall this is a decent entry you have here, this one is pretty interesting and has some good visuals that really get you into it, so keep doing what you do best, But anyways it was a pleasure reviewing this and the others.


A nice movie here with sprites

some nice effects in this movie too "YOU-PRESENTED-A-DECNT-MOVIE" and some action in there aswell, Therse somany sprite movies out there these days but I have to say that this was a nice one, and "YOU-ADDED-YOUR-OWN-TWIST" with some adventure to it so really nice movie here.

The only major change I could see you changing up might be removing the next buttons, A film im glad to have come across, Sometimes you see alot of movies and once in awhile you get someting differant and unique like the one you are presenting here, I know I got a good experience from this, it has some entertaining value to it.



So this was an interesting piece this film idea was pretty good and love the simple side of things on this and was a good feature so notbad at all


A wild and fun madness theme

Another great action flick with some good scenes of madness So this was a nice and fun madness theme here you have some really nice talents and even show off a story here with this entry, A wild and fun madness theme you have created making a fun experience here and this madness had some decent adventure within it.


Entertaining for sure

Well this one was entertaining and you do a great narrating I like the idea that you put this is clips you could do an on running series of this same theme, besides that the animation and voice was pretty good. Ilike the fun entertainment this one brings out a good film indeed.


HOwLiNG-MAdFoxHatter responds:

Glad you like ^ ^

Sadly have shifted focus away from doing Reanimated shots these days, mostly focused on doing full length toons


Well I found this one to be entertaining I like the colorful action on this one with some nice action scene here do wish it was a tad longer and maybe some added scenes, What a wonderful find of a movie entry you have here, a good presentation and good knowledge of the film and film making skills, And now here is a well recieved piece here, you really know how to put it together so nice work indeed hope to see more soon.


Comick responds:

Thanks for the kind words and nice review! Glad you enjoyed it :)

Madness with some twists

I really like the visuals and action in this film, Well here was some Madness with some twists and you really made it your own style while keeping up with the madness element the visuals really pop out too you made this a great video and awsome madness flick so keep up the amazing work and hope to see more, Wouldnt mind more story and all but overall this was some amazing work here.



Well what can one say this had some interesting visuals and such being something from 2005 shows how good it can still be I found it to be pretty entertaining with all that you have showcased and was comical in its own way so nice film here look forward to even more.



Well i have to say this was something special as you present it like a movie element and bring in a sort of plot and goes from there. Visuals are notbad and get even better so overall i found this to be a fun film with a nice point so anyways keep up the amazing work


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