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Allthough it was short it was still pretty entertaining and the voice work on this was pretty amazing with some solid quick animation, What a great submission I have landed on here, I cant wait to see more unique films like this, and hope you keep making stuff like this, you really pulled it off here the style and visual points is spot on I was really impressed with it all so nice job here, hope to see more soon.


Wow intense

First off the animation was brilliant love the details like close ups and the slow motion of the shot etc, overall a very good film here, some great voice work too, A fun and imaginative submission here You have an extraordinary film entry kudos to you for your view of this and making it just jump out at you and have a fun element about it bringing on some nice entertainment value so nice work there and ofcourse some added stylish view points love the character work too so awsome work indeed.


Nice idea

Another fine epsode here great voice work, I like the idea of your character and a welldone character at that commenting on other characters, you have a fun and cute character great voice too as it was some solid quality of a voice with no major changes needed so I was pleased with it you have oudone yourself with a fun character and theme here.


Very funny stuff here

Some very nice animation here the narrating of this was really funny the main characters voice is really good so nice job indeed you have some funny moments on this one some good character design here and some really nice visuals you have a funny character element.


An entertaining madness film

Love how the action just starts off and some nice added music too Well here was an entertaining madness film, some decent action going on in the scenes and the film itself, you have some nice details that come alive here and there and I was pretty impressed with your style of action and the direction of the film itself.


A nice maddness film

Almost like a music video with that funky music Well what we have here is a really nice maddness film there is action there is some story and you bring it all with a big bang so really nice flick here and I really enjoyed this one so nice job indeed, You have some nice ideas would love to see more.



You have a cute and very colorful animation here very cute, a big entertaining element and I came to really enjoy this flick of yours so nice job indeed, I have to also comment and say you have really pushed some fun ideas on this fun flick here a great submission indeed, so untill next time keep up the amazing efforts and keep making some nice animations like this one.


Very nice

I like the different type of scenes here especially with the black and white themes the batman can be very entertaining, mostly you have a nifty and unique submission here, and I really enjoyed this flick your idea really shines here and you make it work well and seems to be a pretty popular submission, so on that note please do make more of these types they are some good stuff, anyways untill next time keep the talents flowing.


Great voice work

Awsome work with the black and white theme in this one, love the music too So the voice work here of the main character is really awsome and you know how to animate this film well and it all comes out very well with some nifty visual outcomes and I was very pleased with it all so im pretty happy with this film and hope you make more.


Cute and dark

This was both cute and dark even thaught it was gonna turn into a music video for a bit but do love how it twisted off into a darker moment so nice touch there a cute character for sure, There was some nifty scenes in this particular film as it has some good interest level, this is one of those flicks that you can watch a few times and still get some entertaining value from it, so my take on this movie is it was a great and fun experience, so nice film here.


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