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((( ROFFL )))

Haha that was a really funny animation, i really loved the trivia, and facts you had about games, and how you turned them into funny spoofs. The sound needs some work, and was a bit scratchy at parts of the movie, but the music was pretty good...

Making more of these would be really cool...


RogerregoRRoger responds:

okay, glad you liked it.. Hmm, i always seem to have audio trouble, but i didnt really spot anything bad in this one myself O-o

((( IT WAS OK )))

You need some work on the voices of this animation, and backgrounds too, i like the way you have drawn most of your art, and how you have animated your characters, i also like how you have added subtitles to your movie, and the intros were pretty nice too...


Blue-phoenix-57 responds:

Thanks Xway! yeah...my voices suck.....got to close to the microphone. But thanks for the art comment! ^^ Yay!

((( HEH )))

This was funny, really loved how you had smooth animating, and voice dialog, along with good backrounds and character designs, only problem i really saw was that the voice you narated with was really low sounding and could have been abit louder, but overall a funny flash with nice outcome, make more soon, great work...


((( NICE )))

Well although it does seem alot like salad fingers which i think is way overrated, this flash was decent and loved the art detail and you did give it a creepy feel to it which was cool, and it was just amazing with all its depth and detail, nice work keep it up...


((( ROFFL )))

Roffl ok this one was funny, the stick like pico-njo haha was funny, the music was abit much, and atleast you used some color so it was ok and somewhat entertaining so notbad, hope to see more soon...


((( COOL )))

Heh that was neat, pepsi is great stuff though, and moutain dew is just ok, but overall it was an ok and funny flash, so nice job, hope to see more just like this in the near future...


((( OK )))

Hmm there is not much of a story just about a guy breaking in to get something, but its still pretty good, i like the way your made your introduction to this animation, and how much detail you put into things. Your style is nice, and i see you love the color purple which was cool.

Maybe next time you could add more of a story to it, and explain why he is doing this...


((( GREAT )))

Good story you have here, i really enjoyed it, and i really liked the starting where you have the option to look at all the characters profiles that was very cool indeed. The sound was nice, and the action was good too...


((( GOOD )))

Wow that was different, and cool, i like how you went from plain sticks to sticks with lots of detail. The backgrounds are really good, and have lots of good shading, and detail. The music, and sound is good kinda not my kind of music but it was a cool movie...


((( GREAT )))

Wow this is some great details you have here, the menus, and interectivaty is really nice, i like how you show how you did things in this flash, and the effort you have put into it. The graphics, and drawings are great, and its a really good idea...


DavidProvost responds:

Thanks man.

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