((( HMMMMM OK )))
Well ok i saw the movie and i heard you but really does making a movie about killing him do much around here, also remember that this is newgrounds and people make movies pissing off people all the time i should know, but anyways just like all the ones who hat iwillpress just cause they cant draw as good as him they flame him and hate him, stoned is also a great artist who gets flamed cause of the topic of movie he made, people dont have to watch and dont have review but they do it cause they want to, this is newgrounds where you will find all kinds of humor, topics, hate, death, and so-on, its entertainment deal with, and if this other guy knows anything about life why would he put a tribute on newgrounds about his friend he doesnt know newgrounds people he should know that you will get flamed when putting somthing on newgrounds, tell his friens and family how sorry he is for his friend but dont submit reall life to newgrounds for gods sake
Ok now for your movie, it was artistic and good clear sounds, i like the character designs, and the topic was well not to my interest, but ok on the art side...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: Dont submit reellife cause newgrounds isnt the place...